🔥 Smaw (2019)

FireRL (aka xFWx FIREBIRD) 1052


The inspiration behind me wanting to bring this list back was Maw. Maw is very disruptive against any Corp who likes to hold cards in their hand (especially the cards that do mean things to me and/or the cards that do combo things - and really... just any operations...) but have to sit there until the time is right. Smoke's stealth-playstyle encourages 1 run/turn, so importing Maw is practical for her. Also, I'm afraid of NBN and tag hell, so I need me some Misdirection and Self-modifying Code... I'm also a shaper at heart, so digging around in R&D and getting an additional HQ benefit is gold #shaperforlife

Card choices, strategy, criticism/rebuttle:

  • "Dagger?" Yesssssss, I am aware that Switchblade is really good, but it costs influence, and the rest of my influence cards are also good (and specifically curated)... Previously, Switchblade was in this list, but after the addition of Dai V to keep up with rushy decks, Switchblade's '1cr: Break all subs' was not as important anymore.

  • "Blackstone!?" Look, the next time you play against a Corp with obnoxious barriers that make this beast feel that bad, then let's talk. I can understand a solo IP Block, but if they stack them, you don't care (+4 strength for the remainder of this run). Most of the time, I'm seeing Kakugo, Border Control, and Hagen. Also, when you do encounter those big barrier baddies, you can thank me for it only costing you 1 stealth credit (or 2 against Chiyashi or whatever your even ruder friends play).

  • "Dai V." AI, and breaks all subs for 2 creds. What more can you ask for? When I play against any rushy-style deck, I ignore my breaker suite in favor of the solo Dai V (you can always install the other breakers as needed... calm down, I'm not that crazy). Also useful and incredibly efficient against those Tour Guides etc.

  • "But, Maw is such a tempo hit to install." Sure, but I've never been sad to play it and I can't remember a time when I couldn't afford to install it (especially if I get to Modded Maw). Also, look how much economy I have! Dirty Laundry, Peace in Our Time, Sure Gamble, Beth Kilrain-Chang, Net Mercur, Trickster Taka, Cloak, PAD Tap (yes, I know PAD Tap's not reliable econ, but if the corp trashes it, that's fine with you and your disruption friend, Maw! Plus, who doesn't love getting extra credits with Peace in Our Time, and paying the Corp too so that you can get paid back even more with Beth Kilrain Chang!?), and I even have a Modded!

  • "But, a lot of your 'so-called econ' is not very bursty/rushy, so Maw is still a tempo hit to install - especially with those 3x R&D Interfaces." Fine! Feel that way. Don't install it until you're more set-up then. But, I think you'll be surprised, and what else do you need those 6 credits for anyway? Maw does WAY more work for Smoke than those 6 silly non-stealth credits ever would. Plus, did you know that you can 'use credits on Net Mercur for anything'?!?!?

  • Over the course of the game (against any non-rushy deck), it's pretty easy and good to set up an R&D lock and get that Maw trigger while doing so. If you're against a rushy deck, grab your Dai V instead and be more surgical (but still disruptive with Maw).

  • I have been considering dropping the 1x Modded and 1x Interdiction for various things - including a 2nd Film Critic. (ymmv)

  • 1 rule. USE DAT MAW!

11 Jan 2020 Saan

Dagger, Refractor, and Cloak all just rotated out. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

11 Jan 2020 FireRL (aka xFWx FIREBIRD)

@Saan I know 🙂, this is my pre-rotation list. I also just posted a list from 2015... ha