Rip down R&D

x3r0h0ur 8956

I'll throw in my hat on the goofy mill decks that are coming out. This one offers the full 8 credit cache, full aesops economy, massive sudden mills with mass install, and crypsis to make runs and actually be interactive.

Keep around hemorrhage crypsis and datasucker. Hemorrhage is your anti scorch. You mill heavy, and make runs to build Hemo, killing the hand when you can. When the hand is 1-2 cards, try to hit it with crypsis + lamprey.

Yes, I don't run medium.

No you can't make me.

23 Aug 2014 SlySquid

i love this build! id switch the Cyberfeeder to Daily Casts because youll get more out of it, but other than that I thing its great... have you been playing it?

24 Aug 2014 x3r0h0ur

I've only played it a little, mill decks don't hold my interest long. It does okay when not milling and being aggressive, but I have another Noise build that is more general focus'ed that has been ripping face, so this sits online rather than in my deckbox.

On cyberfeeder. I believe it is superior to daily casts because, similar to PPVP, it helps you keep running on low credits. If I find a cache, I can play it from 0 credits, if I draw a daily on 0 credits, I need a whole turn to get it going. I feel like in this passive of a deck you can easily get Breaking News'ed and closed if you sit on too much money, so I typically run light on cash all game. Recurring credits have their own benefits. Also, in this particular deck, the most important fact is that the pawnshop is already overworked with the massive amounts of viruses being uninstalled to really get the efficiency of Pawnshop+DC. Also it can be used as a breaker, if CF hits the table early, it will certainly outpace DC.

All that said, my main Noise deck runs 2 CF, 3 DC, 2 bank job, cash, and good chunk of viruses to really get that passive Aesop's econ going.

The real win here is that we're discussing the merits of running a Noise deck once again :)

24 Aug 2014 SlySquid

Very true! I played today and won both games I played...

25 Aug 2014 Piotr

Thanks for sharing! I've been looking into mill decks myself, and a few questions come mind:

  1. Isn't running Diesel a bit redundant in a deck with Wyldside? It's a fantastic card, no doubt there, it just seems to me like it might be an overkill.

  2. It's there enough economy for Mass Install? I've been considering this card myself, but I'm worried it might end up as a dead draw. I assume a reasonably sustainable tempo for mill decks is 2 installs per turn, so this might be a free click. Or do you try to combo it with a cash-in from Cache?

  3. Finally, how do you use Scheherazade? If it's only for Cache it seems like a waste of 3 deck slots. Otherwise, Power Shutdown and destroyer ice can set you back a lot...

25 Aug 2014 x3r0h0ur

Everything goes on Scheherazade other than Crypsis. Hera is crucial to the econ. Diesel seems like overkill, but you typically can hold them until you have aesop'sed enough viruses/caches to actually be around the needed credits + cyberfeeder to mass install 3 programs. Very often wyldside will be drawing duplicates or non-virus programs. Diesel and mass install play off each other to dump the copious amounts of cards out of hand.

As for power shut down, that's fine, none of my program suite is 100% permanent besides crypsis, with secondary priority going to whichever virus is having the most impact, then hemorrhage.

12 Dec 2014 4dd150n

Had to laugh at "actually be interactive." This is my problem with Noise-shop decks too. I want to run! This ain't M:TG; I need to do something!

I'm currently trying to put together a balanced Noise deck that can still be a regular threat to servers using a full suit of breakers and some Special Orders. I concur with @SlySquid that Daily Casts in decks like this. Clickless econ works well alongside Wyldside.

12 Dec 2014 x3r0h0ur

Try 2 of each of corroder, knight, mimic, and knight 2 special order, 2 bank job and 2 Aesop's. Bank job is stupid awesome when you pawn that last credit for 3 more after gaining 7. I ran that build before cache and it was very reliable.

12 Dec 2014 SlySquid

I agree with @Addison on agreeing with me... Lmao j/k

It's 6 of this, half a dozen the other...

I just love that last turn of "and I'll gain 5 with Daily Casts" because you sac it to APS...