Fintek Scam

Wrecko 499

I've been surprised how good this deck is and I've gotten some good comments on so I thought I would share it and see if the community has any suggestions on how to improve it.

The reason to play this deck is that the corp doesn't get scoring windows against it. When you have your breakers up, you can run a huge server, drawing cards and getting paid for your trouble. Then you start to flood their hand with agendas and legwork them out. The middle phase of the game is minimized. It's also a fairly novel economy suite that depends on Mass Install which I don't think many decks can say. It's called Fintek Scam since you get paid coming and going into servers.

Since this is not a typical deck, I'm going to go over each of the card choices.

Fisk Investment Seminar - Cheap card draw and can flood the corp with agendas. This deck could probably use better early card draw but I'm not sure how. Drug Dealer didn't work in testing as it would drain badly needed credits during the set-up phase of the deck. The deck is fine for card draw and money once it is rolling, it's the setup window that is a bit weak.

Legwork - My only multi access. Could probably be substituted for HQ Interfaces.

Levy AR Lab Access - Pretty obvious

Mass Install - This is actually a really strong card in this deck. I'm as surprised as anyone. It mitigates the biggest issue with the B&E suite, the clicks you spend to install them. Mass installs enables power turns where you Fisk Investment Seminar, then Mass Install, onto Scheherazade, gaining at least one credit (since so many programs cost 0) and loading up any Technical Writer you have installed. I went with 2 since there are times you don't have a grip full of programs.

Dyson Mem Chip - You need link to have enough MU to get the cloud breakers out. I went with Dyson Mem Chip rather than Access to Globalsec as it charges up Technical writer and gives additional MU, which can be useful.

Forger - Provides link and minor tag prevention and card draw/economy. This is one of the weaker cards in the deck. It's not good enough at anything, but it is ok at a few things.

Armitage Codebusting - Great for the early set-up money in case I don't find Scheherazade. Triggers Wasteland when spent.

Daily Casts - More early set up money. Also triggers Wasteland.

Sacrificial Construct - Protects Scheherazade or extends Faerie.

Same Old Thing - Levy AR Lab Access support or can be used as an extra Mass Install. Yes, Mass Install is that good in this deck.

Technical Writer - Fantastic late game economy.

Wasteland - Works with 26 cards in this deck. Would be even stronger with cards I could sac on the Corp turn (e.g. Street Peddler, Fall Guy) but there aren't enough card slots to fit them in.

Cerberus "Rex" H2 - Rex is great in this deck. The weakness is completely mitigated, due to the support of Crowbar and the draw speed in this deck.

Corroder - I'm not willing to use Aurora, but I might consider Breach but I'm too concerned about stacked barriers on remotes.

Crowbar - B&E Suite. Core of the deck.

Faerie - Best way to deal with early big sentries. Can be extended with Sacrificial Construct.

Mongoose - Really helps this deck. Deals with Architect and Komainu efficently, which were problem cards before.

Shiv - Probably not as good as Faerie but pumps up other cloud breakers without taking up MU.

Spike - Tides you over until Corroder comes out.

Paricia - Needed to deal with horizontal decks. MU isn't much of a concern in this deck and it works with Scheherazade and Technical Writer.

Scheherazade - Speeds the deck up. Only two due to influence and dead draws later in the game.

The primary weakness I'm finding is against kill decks. I'm thinking of adding in Plascrete Carapace or Film Critic since Midseason Replacements is a problem I don't really have a solution for.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

13 Feb 2016 mawa

I imagine Sports Hopper's gonna be pretty good for you when that comes out. If you do switch to HQ Interfaces, have you considered Sneakdoor Beta? I imagine it could get pretty tough to get in when they realise you don't have any R&D multiaccess. You might have to switch to Scrubber over Paricia in that case. What is your solution to defensive upgrades in general? Might Drive By be worthwhile?

Without a doubt though, this is an interesting and really cool deck - thanks for sharing.

14 Feb 2016 Wrecko

Thanks for the feedback @RubbishyUsername. Sneakdoor Beta could be interesting. I think Paricia has a number of advantages over Scrubber, since it works with Scheherazade and Technical Writer and costs 2 less. I might throw one or two copies of Sneakdoor Beta and see how they work. I never consider Sneakdoor Beta as part of my final rig, so if it has to be trashed, I don't think it is that big of a deal.

Sports Hopper will be great in this deck. Somehow that spoiler didn't register in my head. The biggest game changer in my mind is Political Operative though, to deal with Ash 2X3ZB9CY and Caprice Nisei.