Chaos Amplification Theory

obscurica 1317

Things had gotten a bit tough for Chaos Theory since the 23 Second Incident. At the time, she didn't fully understand its consequences, except at the most personal level -- didn't yet comprehend just how brutally the corporations would retaliate, until it got extremely up close and personal. The financial hardships suffered by her family threw what was to be a bright prodigy's unfettered future into the dredges of societal hardship -- her teachers, her peers that expected so much of her, sadly giving up such hopes , murmuring to themselves about the waste of such young potential.

They were mistaken. Her value, and the gleam in her eyes, was not so easily tarnished.

Rather, her time among the exiles and the disenfranchised of New Angeles, as she struggled to pay her way through community college, introduced her to viewpoints and ways of living she would've never had known, had she stayed coddled in the lifestyle of a middle-class prodigy. She would've never truly understood her own namesake, she felt -- and not truly come to accept the transient nature of things.

And from those experiences, the germ of a terrifyingly potent idea took root in an awe-inspiringly fecund mind. A way to turn the absences of her life -- the voids of what once was -- into an engine most cunning, and cast a defiant light back against those who once sought to smother her.

And truth be told, not all has been lost. Even her beloved Dinosaurus, once destroyed by malefactors unknown, survived the convulsions of New Angeles's upheaval. Just not necessarily in a way that her enemies might suspect...

Credits to Neuropantser for a beer-induced theorycrafting session on Sunday evening after Magnum Opus.

This is effectively a high-aggression Chaos Theory deck, taking advantage of her MU to set up an initial Overmind dive fast into centrals. The better your early game, the better your late, as each agenda stolen feeds Brain Chip, which makes each subsequent Overmind more powerful, ripping through even thick layers of ice to drill in with Deep Data Mining.

The rest of the breaker suite follows suite: Cerberus "Lady" H1 and D4v1ds are disposable high-efficiency breaks, which Savant is more of a late-game card to bypass anything else that Overmind doesn't play nice with.

The sort of ice that would make Overmind flinch tends to be expensive, though, and are rarely the first few activations you'll face in a game. A correct mulligan should theoretically set you up for a very explosive game.