Weyland PowerRecursion

Rallenkov 17

The Idea is simple, destroy the Runners Important Breakers or Datasucker via Power Shutdown. Use Power Shutdown to destroy Hardware if you have to in order to get to the critical pieces. Recure them with Archieved Memories and Jackson Howards and use the Scoring Windows when they present themselfs.

2 May 2014 xyceres

With that agenda/ice spread your more likely to draw an archer than a hostile takeover. Perhaps you should consider swapping an archer for a hostile takeover? Also have you considered Power grid overload to remove the small hardware (haven't tested it myself but you have a big expensive ice spread so it's more likely the runner will be poor after a successful run).

2 May 2014 x3r0h0ur

PGO is great and way underplayed.

2 May 2014 Rallenkov

Yeah swapping a hostile takeover for an archer seems like a good idea, gonna try that. The PGO is also interesting, gonna find room for it tho.