Titan 6pt Doomsday Combo

bblum 5029

9 Apr 2015 GammaCodeX

I'd love a write out of the main combo here. From no jackson in play i see

Jackson PS AD - interns interns biotic AD - interns shipment shipment AD - shipment shipment shipment requiring the full set of ADs with jackson in play before combo i see

PS AD - interns interns messaging AD - shipment shipment shipment AD - shipment shipment also requiring all the AD's

Is there any way to doomsday for 6 without 3 ADs or a pair of jacksons pre-installed? Seems very unplayable.

9 Apr 2015 bblum

The following 3 piles, which take 3 clicks and $10 to begin, will get up to 8 counters. You need to either start the turn with 1 jackson installed, have all 3 ADs in hand, or have the biotic in hand, to get an extra click for the 9th advancement.

1st pile - interns (JH), reclamation (AD), biotic

2nd pile - interns (JH), interns (GT), SFSS

3rd pile - triple SFSS

Needing to find that extra click is the main weakness of the deck, but rushed-out atlas counters and DBSes make it possible.

10 Apr 2015 GammaCodeX

Ah i see. Reclamation biotic is a cool payload i must admit. But so much influence. Still the threat to win from a single point is really cool. I may brew a bit more on the idea of a GT as a payload threat.