Core and Deluxe Kate Big Rig Deck

Kad Baz 8

I have a GNK coming up in a week, ( for folks in the Atlanta area), and we are only using the core and deluxe sets. This is an attempt to make a Kate deck using those restrictions. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

10 Aug 2016 Klopstock

Hi! What strikes me as a little odd about this deck are the 3 Scavenges. Don't get me wrong, it is not a bad card, but I think you get the most use out of it in tandem with Test Run, which you are not allowed to play. Also you do not use programs like Cerberus "Lady" H1 or D4v1d which need to be refreshed, so I am not quite seeing the sense in that card. Some recursion is okay, definitely, but you already have your Clone Chips for that. Next thing, 3 Medium. I think that is overkill, 2 should be enough, especially when considering the influence cost on them. What I would maybe add (depending on the likeliness of facing Jinteki) is a Levy AR Lab Access and a Same Old Thing, just so you can outlast those decks.

But the biggest flaw of the deck from my point of view is your inclusion of both Magnum Opus and Professional Contacts. Make no mistake, they are both good cards, but they don't work well together, since they are both kind of a click-dump, where you can spend your remaining clicks for the turn. That's why I would pick one of the those (I like the ProCos better) and give the boot to the other card. With that free deckspace you could include some money or draw to fill the void and maybe a second killer, like Ninja, for games in which you have problems with multiple big sentries - something Femme doesn't handle well.

10 Aug 2016 Kad Baz

Thanks, I'm putting up v1.1, appreciate the feed back.

10 Aug 2016 Acatalepsy

If you want long-term sustainability and ability to race the corp on money (to stay ahead of a potential kill trace), having 1x Magnum Opus isn't a terrible idea - if you need it, that's what SMC and Clone Chip are for. But 3x Mopus and 3x ProCo are probably overkill, yeah.

You have a much better idea of what ICE you're going to run into because of the limited card poll. It's probably worth looking specifically at what you're going to face, and what your answer is to someone rezzing them in your face. This is what your pool of sentries looks like.. Ask yourself when you're likely to face each, and in what combinations with other ICE or upgrades. I'd be very worried about needing to spend 11 credits+ to SMC out femme in response to a Rototurret or Ichi 1.0 - that's just asking for bad things to happen to you.