Bunker Buster

x3r0h0ur 8956

The only way you'll find me playing Sunny. I've long said she's the worst runner of the new 3, at least based on her breakers. At least Apex has "how the shit do I beat this?" factor.

The idea is heavy draw, find what you need, drip econ mid game is taken after the drug dealers come for their share (if possible). Late game you're running on threaders and suckers anyway, so if you're not ahead on cash, no biggie. All the money you need can come from 1-2 runs on archives to farm suckers and get despy credits.

Care has to be taken to not have programs trashed from hand or destoyered because Q-chip is actually sorta important to the plan. Overdraw and pitch that which you don't plan on playing program wise (pitching on overdraw is not considered trashing for q-chip).

Really plans for the long game, the FA match-up is going to purely depend on your draw, and stronk Poker face regarding clot on your peddler lol

Run aggressive in order to slow the corp down, if they durdle for too long, you're going to be munching their glaciers.

14 Nov 2015 Pinkwarrior

I like this it looks similar to what I am doing I am trying to get her going fast using John Masanori & Security Testing I am however using her console rather than Desperado. I think Street Peddler is a must it really helps get her moving.

Have you thought about the Globalsec Security Clearance I've found its really useful against the glacial decks and means I can save a little influence on R&D multi access also if they have free remote/archive Jak Sinclair can make up for the lost click.

14 Nov 2015 Pilltechre

Globasec Security Clearance can do strong work. I tend to rush as corp when I play against Sunny, and Globalsec has me stacking ice on R&D when I would rather be building a scoring remote. When the runner sees an agenda, you have much less defence unless you treat it like a scoring remote and use your upgrades for protection or hope that a Jackson Howard shuffle puts something useless in its place.

The console can be a real nuisance too but tends to slow the runner down too much while they set up rabbit holes etc. When it is set up though, Security chip becomes a real monster!

If the corp has not already rushed to victory Sunny's late game can be ruthless.

14 Nov 2015 Pinkwarrior

@Pilltechre In regard to her console your right its slow been a massive 8 to install, but I don't set up extra link and I don't see why anyone would. It fills slots you don't need (as 2link is optimum for most your deck) and slows your deck more this is something she can't afford to do she's already slow with 50 card deck. It makes more sense to me to just pay more when needed or use it as a Snitch to Jack out it.

14 Nov 2015 Pilltechre

I can see the sense in that. When constructing a deck with these new sub factions its suprising how little influence 25 really is. Not using one of their pieces of tech can create more problems than it may seem to solve!

Desperado, Datasucker and Jak Sinclair seem like a strong choice though. I like it.

15 Nov 2015 Lupus Yonderboi

Don't get why you use Q-Coherence Chip. It's unlikely you will install all of your Datasucker and Multithreader. About these two last cards, which one is the more effective/useful ?

I'm trying to tinker a Sunny deck with Forger, as I'm not sold on Security Nexus : too expansive for a power that certainly better early game than late, but I may be wrong. Forger helps Security Chip and also, I use John Masanori (and a Vamp, but don't tell anyone), so it can be used as an emergency button.

16 Nov 2015 Pinkwarrior

@Lupus Yonderboi I think Datasucker & Multithreader are much the same really, I personally favour Datasucker cos it's cheaper so I take 3 and 1 multi but data doesn't actually work with Jak Sinclair & can be purged so that's worth noting but it'll still rack up tokens.

I feel Forger is one of the good options for sunny as a replacement as its cheap on influence & cost and gives a good ability which is all you really are looking for. The more I talk about it the more I feel Sunny doesn't actually need a console she don't need the MU or the Link so all your looking for is a good unique ability really. I am thinking Turntable might actually be a good choice for her helping deal with that Astro train & really screw with the corp.

16 Nov 2015 Lupus Yonderboi

@Pinkwarrior Nice thoughts. Once I thought Spinal Modem could be the right console, but it's influence expansive and Gutenberg is a serious concern, even for someone with 2 .

Fluff-wise, Sunny with Spinal would be badass as hell, but so long for this console with I'd love to make work.

16 Nov 2015 Lupus Yonderboi

Oh, while I think about it, it seems Jak Sinclair allows to feed Datasucker on a successful run on a central (but not to decrease strengths of ices), due to Wendigo jurisprudence.

16 Nov 2015 Pinkwarrior

@Lupus Yonderboi Hmm am sure adding counters is classed as using the program as am sure Wendigo stops you getting counters with Medium/Nerve Agent but not accessing cards.

I think Spinal Modem looks good at first glance fitting the breakers nicely with recurring credits but as you pointed out we live in the age of 7 Str trace now so even with that extra link it's not going to work.