NEXT FoodHopper (1st place Pair-A-Dice SC)

tzeentchling 1224

Foodcoats, evolving toward the post MWL and soon-too-arrive Political Operative/Councilman meta. Advanced Concept Hopper is definitely good, easy way to drip credits or cards as needed.

NEXT ice may seem odd, but it punishes anyone not running Parasite. If they are running Parasite, then fine - you've got enough recursion built into the deck to bring it back, and it means the Parasites aren't going onto the Eli or other ice.

Fire every ABT you can, especially if facing ice destruction. Bonuses if you have a Team Sponsorship or a Jackson Howard, but fire anyway. Odds are good if you get any ice, you're in a far superior position, and if it fails it's good odds you were not going to be winning anyway since those agendas were going into your hand.

15 Feb 2016 x3r0h0ur

Looks nearly identical to what I'm running now. I cut the nisei for just all better ice, and I run the full 3 TS. I run all the beta tests to get high next counts. Recur next ice with Sponsorship and you're fine vs destruction. Solid. I went to 3 food 3 hopper 3 ABT though, to beat noise, you don't need ProVits, you can just TS all the things, and go fast!

15 Feb 2016 tzeentchling

@x3r0h0ur I was running something very much like this previously, before MWL, based on the Accelerated Psi Team deck. Your deck was definitely a jumping-off point for this one - I wasn't really ready to go all Global Food and no ProVit, especially since I like having the ability to score out using Biotic. I rarely overadvance it, but as a 3/2 that triggers TS it's still good. Being able to continuously put a card in a remote and threaten a never-advance score is worth it. I finished at least 3 games during the tournament scoring four 2-pointers.

1 Caprice is annoying and definitely worse than two- she's not there when you need her, often, but I think the deck is usually taxing enough that Ash is good enough. Especially with Anarchs who tend to run low-cash and no link. If she shows up, great. That 4 influence though pays for the architects and elis, so I think it's worth it to have good ice.