The Path of Grief

whiterabbit 38

This is the deck I've been waiting to build since I saw Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed. People already know this deck is coming. It's very similar to a lot of Jinteki: Personal Evolution decks, and that's the point.

The Board didn't make the cut. I didn't want to try to defend it. Space Camp was my second choice, but I figured it was too slow.

Ideally, I'd like to open with Mushin No Shin, or three assets/agendas mixed, and see if the runner bites. I think the more that's known about the deck, the harder it gets to run against it. The deck relies on runners making normally valid choices, running undefended/low defense servers.

Yes, the deck is high variance, due to Government Takeover. A game can end rather abruptly with it, but I don't mind that. Either the runner scores a bunch of 1 pt agendas, risking their lives trying to get it, or I can try to push it out, with the runner second guessing whether or not it's an ambush. All of the ambushes at 6 advancements are lethal, either immediately, or via Ghost Branch & Scorched Earth.