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Standard Banlist 24.09 (latest) |
Startup Ban List 24.09 (ignore active date) (active) |
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Deck valid after Sixth Rotation |
Packs |
Station One |
The Devil and the Dragon |
Reign and Reverie |
Downfall |
Uprising |
System Gateway |
System Update 2021 |
Midnight Sun |
The Automata Initiative |
Rebellion Without Rehearsal |
Card draw simulator |
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Aniccam Triggers – 4-2 @NANPC Montreal August 2024 | 5 | 2 | 0 |
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A tweak to the Lat deck I brought to NANPC. I was a bit scared about big sentries eating out a lot of revolver tokens to I switched Revolver for Echelon. I was also anticipating fast advance so I added a Clot. I wanted some more ways to not interact with the board, added Falsified Credentials which is interesting for that. I'm not sure why I removed a Pelangi. Probably wanted to make my deck leaner?
I'm not conviced by these changes. Having no breaker with counters make stoneships slightly less useful, but most importantly it makes breaking sentries very costly. Removing Pelangi made most of my SMC somewhat useless. I guess I could add a K2CP if I wanted to lean into thos breakers.