SlySquids Dinner Party v1.0

SlySquid 4763

Hey hey, so I've wanted a nice control deck from the start of the game and I wasn't so into just simply econ denial so for a long time I used anarchs because of the disruption factor, but now I feel we are stepping closer and closer to the deck I want (and tried hard to make with Reina).

This deck is about exploiting a few key cards, first is my ID... Valencia is a great card that unlocks a few great plays, blackmail being the biggest, Investigative Journalism is the second both help with some economy issues and allows me to run often and very hard (which also plays into Hemorrhage) and last but not least, Itinerant Protesters! This is the control card I wanted, it kills combos, applies pressure and is a great way to control the corps currents...

Next is Eater, what a great program, it's so last year to want accesses from runs... Why do that when you can have fucking AWSOME run events that can do everything from killing ice to blowing up servers... It also works great with hemorrhage because you just need in to get the tokens... I'm hoping the with all the draw I have I can find it fast enough but I guess we will see... He's also great for getting the Shards out fast and cheap

Lastly, with all the events it would have been stupid not to make it a PPVP deck and take advantage of sweet cards like Lucky Find and fucking DAY JOB, but also all the other great events I have... I have no doubt I'll be able to use those credits every turn

Like most of my wacky ideas this is all theory crafting or what I like to call "working in the meta" but even communism works on paper so I'm going to need to build it up and test it out, in the mean time what do y'all think?

Don't understand a card choice? Let's know ill to into depth on it...

Feel I missed something and want to help? Shoot me a comment!

Want to congratulate me on what you think is the greatest deck ever? Great I'd love to hear it lol

26 Nov 2014 Arrrmand

The synergy between Vigil and Itinerant Protesters is fantastic - cannot wait to try this deck out!

26 Nov 2014 SlySquid

Thanks @Arrrmand! I hope you have fun... Let me know how it goes...

26 Nov 2014 Trusman


26 Nov 2014 SlySquid

Lol @Trusman I think you're amazing! Thanks =)

26 Nov 2014 BTrain

Yesss, this looks nasty. Loving that Planned Assault. Any love for a one-of Mimic though? Swordsman kinda shuts down everything that's not your four blackmail runs.

26 Nov 2014 Arrrmand

@BTrainthat's a very good point - I wonder if slotting in a Parasite might also be an option, as it would fit with the theme of the cutlery. The downside is that you only get to use it after you hit the Swordsman once to begin with, of course.

26 Nov 2014 wilk

I absolutely love the idea!

26 Nov 2014 Oisin

This looks cool. I have been messing with a Queztal deck designed around Keyhole and Hemorrhage--but the spoilers you have used here look really synergistic. I think Keyhole would also work really well in this deck, though I am not sure what you would cut.

27 Nov 2014 saltytacopanda

Why Vigil? Also, I'm going to try and modify this with Gorman Drip. All the HQ card trashing is gonna force the Corp to draw up.

27 Nov 2014 saltytacopanda

Also, you seem to have a lot of cards focused on controlling HQ. From my experience, it'd just make the corp close up its HQ real tight. I'm gonna make space for some Keyholes to wreck R&D if it gets too taxing to get through HQ. The additional threat of Keyhole will force the corp to split its attention too.

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@BTrain thanks man! Ya I figured with all my other options and the fact that Swordsman is a card that rarely sees play, I'm not too worried... The prob with adding things like Parasite to counter it is A) it's a 50 card deck and it'll be to inconsistent and B) adding support cards that support your support cards is a slippery slope and one I tend to avoid... This is the first draft and I'm not saying it's finished by any stretch of the imagination, but I doubt after alls said and done I'll be planning around one card... Thanks again for the input =)

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@BTrain thanks man! Ya I figured with all my other options and the fact that Swordsman is a card that rarely sees play, I'm not too worried... The prob with adding things like Parasite to counter it is A) it's a 50 card deck and it'll be to inconsistent and B) adding support cards that support your support cards is a slippery slope and one I tend to avoid... This is the first draft and I'm not saying it's finished by any stretch of the imagination, but I doubt after alls said and done I'll be planning around one card... Thanks again for the input =)

27 Nov 2014 Arrrmand

@SlySquid makes perfect sense to me! Planning and theories are great, but nothing works as well as testing. Still looking forward to trying this, changes or no :)

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

Thanks @wilk

@Oisin I'd love to fit in Keyhole but I feel with the lack of tutors and a 50 card deck size it'll be too inconsistent, but I'd love a link to your deck!!!

@saltytacopanda Vigil is a key card that interacts huge with Itinerant Protesters and Hemorrhage, it should help me get threw my huge deck fast (or that's my hope at least)

I don't think the corp can just simply seal up HQ, I plan on choking out cards with my Itinerant Protesters and Hemorrhage, so really, I can run anywhere and get HQ accesses by forcing them to trash cards... Lastly the deck doesn't have a lot of room for other cards and even if you add a Keyhole I'm worried you'll never see it, that's why I went with the event tutoring with Planned Assault... It like most of the decks I make wants to apply pressure by exploiting any weakness, I normally do it with Imp but now I plan on exploiting Hemorrhage.

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@Arrrmand, your the man cool guy!!!

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@Arrrmand, your the man cool guy!!!

27 Nov 2014 saltytacopanda

But with Spooned and Inject, you can go through your deck really quickly and get set up fast. Also, with Same Old Thing, you can just toss all the run events you get in the heap and use them as needed. Meaning, you can remove the influence from Planned Assault and add in a Levy, or other heap recursion. Also I think any competitive player would purge the counters on Hemorrhage before it gets out of control, so I'd suggest making space for Fester as well. And since you'd be attacking HQ so much, Lamprey would wreck the corp's economy and force him to click for credit if he wants to use burst economy cards. That's why I suggested Gorman's Drip. Also, all the HQ card trashing will force the corp to click draw, adding to Gorman's Drip economy power. But we'll see when the cards are released. Your currently build is a really good inspiration to what I'm now building.

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

All great points @saltytacopanda, keep me posted how your deck comes along, we can compare notes

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

All great points @saltytacopanda, keep me posted how your deck comes along, we can compare notes

27 Nov 2014 saltytacopanda

*steelskin, not spooned :p

27 Nov 2014 hatman

This deck is so goofy. I love it.

Like @BTrain said, Swordsman over an Ice Wall will wreck you, if swordsman ever gets the play it deserves. That said, I once brought a Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within deck to a tournament that had no archives defense, and went 4-1 with it, so if it's not in your meta, ignore it.

I have to ask: how are you getting agendas? You're not running multiaccess, are you planning on denying the corp scoring opportunities long enough to trash agendas from the hand? As a long-time crim denial player, that sounds difficult to do. But maybe I'm underestimating something.

27 Nov 2014 juliandark

Elizabeth Mills on turn 1 is going to suck.

Also the amount of turns you will waste on investigative journalism and Day Jobs is too damn high in my opinion.

27 Nov 2014 xWZRDx

@juliandark That is something that I was worried about. Spending that many turns seems like a lot to me. Although day job does work with PPVP. I guess I'm still thinking in the current "try to be as fast as possible" runner meta though so I could easily be wrong.

I love the idea for this deck, I plan to make something just like it, although I want to run more copies of the cutlery and make room for Dinosaurus to put eater on.

27 Nov 2014 Scud

So good. Just... so, so good.

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@Scud!? You alive... How goes brother...?

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@xWZRDx and @juliandark I love having cards to utilize the turns after the corp didn't try and advance his board state, the main reason I love Liberated Account... "Fine you just gained money, I guess I'll do the same" but on a larger scale... It's a two way street though lol because if I didn't have Prepaid VoicePAD and Day Job in a deck with a billion events 80% of the posts would have been saying that was the wrong play...

Also in regard to bad publicity removal, I get it, it would hurt... But I built this deck knowing it's a thing and only have 4 cards that require the corp to have BP, for the most part I just like it for the cheap runs with #Eater =) but I don't NEED it by any means...

I find it hard ATM to defend a deck I've yet to even play, because on one hand it is not a proven concept and their for could flop and all the negative comment could be true... OR! I stand behind the choices I've made knowing I've made them for a reason and with my play style in mind (which is unorthodox I'll admit, but I've been right before, I called RP the best ID for years...) and it wins a lot... I guess I'll go with the fact that it'll be fun, different and hope that I have made the right choices... Sorry if that comes off passive aggressive, because it truly isn't meant that way!!! I simple have an idea I want to try and also share =)

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@hatman you site are right, Swordsman would hurt, but what if I have two eaters!? Lol that's a horrible play BUT there is a way my friend!!! Lmao

And yes my plan is to scoop from archives, choke the hand to force bad plays and Singularity the cards they feel cocky enough to try and advance... At least I hope ;)

27 Nov 2014 SlySquid

Wow!!!! I just realized this is getting lots of likes... Thanks so much for the support everyone! PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU TRY IT!

Let's think pot the shit out of this =)

28 Nov 2014 Oisin

You're probably right that it might be harder to grab the keyhole in a 50 card deck. Here's how your deck inspired changes to my Quetzal deck. Now I'm looking forward to when the expansion releases.

28 Nov 2014 saltytacopanda

I'm trying to make something with Personal Workshop. The only thing Valencia has is starting bad pub, which you can use to get more bad pubs on the corp. And I think the best way to exploit that is to get set up quick by running and then throwing credits into Personal Workshop.

28 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@Oisin I love that deck, well done!

@saltytacopanda I'd love to know how testing goes...

28 Nov 2014 Badeesh

No room for Raymond Flint?

28 Nov 2014 SlySquid

I had him in the deck @Volstruis, but I had to cut him...

28 Nov 2014 JamesG

How would you deal with crisium grid? I'm not sure, but can you access it after using Eater?

28 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@JamesG I hadn't put much thought into Crisium Grid grid, but Eater has no interaction with it so ya it would be annoying... Good call...

29 Nov 2014 juliandark

I think the "cutlery" set will be very successful, just not in Valencia.

I really love your deck idea, where you can use certain cards to their full potential - like inject, I was itching to use that since it was spoiled, but it just didn't fit into current anarchs where half of their interesting cards were programs, but here, it shines. Planned Assault is really well spent influence as well with tons of 1-of run events.

Personaly I would drop all the BP cards except 1 blackmail, and treat the ID as a free desperado. I would certainly include Keyhole and would double the cutlery events.

29 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@juliandark those are great points!!! If this doesn't work those will be some of the first changes... Thanks

30 Nov 2014 JamesG

Wait, what I said was BS :D Crisium Doens't Triggered whith Cutlery Events so...yeah, the deck is preatty neat :D

30 Nov 2014 SlySquid

@JamesG it wasn't all BS lol

1 Dec 2014 TR0LLBAIT

I play with this a bit and it is challenging because you have pretty much no access except hades shard. Its alot of fun though and alot of potential. Definitely consider mimic though. Depends on meta i guess, but that hurt me

1 Dec 2014 TR0LLBAIT

I play with this a bit and it is challenging because you have pretty much no access except hades shard. Its alot of fun though and alot of potential. Definitely consider mimic though. Depends on meta i guess, but that hurt me

1 Dec 2014 TR0LLBAIT

I play with this a bit and it is challenging because you have pretty much no access except hades shard. Its alot of fun though and alot of potential. Definitely consider mimic though. Depends on meta i guess, but that hurt me

1 Dec 2014 SlySquid

I was going to play it this weekend but my group bailed, thanks for the heads up =)

1 Dec 2014 juliandark

I playtested a similar deck (with the changes I proposed above) with my roommate and it was really funny against NEH. All the vertical economy was great to power my hemorrhages. I got two on the table and was able to burn 2 cards a turn. Against his RP deck it was much harder, because that really starves you for clicks. I wished I had parasites, because half of his ICE are sentrys and I run out of sentry destruction rather quick. I won in the end, but only because of a lucky guess on TFP. Then one game against blue sun something that all anarchs know happened - all my breakers were in the bottom part of my deck :( I drew like mad, had tons of money, but once he saw that, he started shamelesly installing agendas. I even started playing steelskins to draw more, hoping I would overpay him in case of SEA... but I just didn't draw Eater before he scored 7 points :( That's the real weakness imo, similary to noiseshop. You relly on 3 cards in your deck and when you don't get them, you are screwed :(

20 Jan 2015 CZCuckoo

This looks like a blast to play, but I'm a little confused. I've run a few successful-ish Hemo decks in my day, and at a certain point it ends up in the same board state. The corp has centrals and an external server set up with very light ice, and no cards in HQ. They draw a single card each turn, and install it right away. I'll make them discard quite a few cards, but I need to burn through their Jackson Howards over and over, which slows down the deck.

How does this deck prevent a corp from doing this same thing? If you can get an agenda in to an external server, with a single piece of ice, it can't be accessed with eater. You have some ice destruction, which would prevent you from having to USE eater, but you don't have a LOT of ice destruction.

In short, how does this deck actually win? Do you get enough cards discarded from hand to make archives a viable score window? How do you manage the JH usage? I'd LOVE to try a deck like this and have it work, so maybe I'm missing some key element that you've dreamed up here. Thanks. :)

20 Jan 2015 SlySquid

Wow, I haven't looked at this list in a wile let's try and help...

First thing about any of my decks is its not about single cards, I start the deck around a single card and build around it be it need to work as a whole, not sure if it's the best but it's how I do...

Ok so that being said its not just a Hemorrhage deck, that card is in there to put pressure on the corp to install or trash important cards constantly because of the pressure Itinerant Protesters, but any turn they don't give you something to do you should be destroying ice on remotes with the utensils...

This is not a tested deck at all, but I like to share my creative process with people and I like to have the deck fallow all its core ideas at first and I make small tweaks over time, all wile having the basic deck write down to reference if I stear to far off course...

Ok, so accessing is tough but I feel Blackmail is going to be super fun for the few access you can't get, but maybe singularity would be fun...

Ah, now to the brass tax, winning. Lol I never really have a game plan to end the game, with a deck like this it's all about the control and wile your choking the corp up it makes it easy for them to make mistakes and you capitalize from said mistakes... It's not a normal deck, I'm really trying to bring control into netrunner that is not strictly econ based...

That said, I have all but abandoned this deck because after testing my MaxX deck I don't think all be playing any other deck in the near future...