Selective Adaptation v.1.1

saracenus 1067

This deck's economy is built around Magnum Opus. If you do not draw it or either SMC or Test Run you should mulligan (judgement call depending on the 5 cards in your initial draw).

Replicator helps thin out your deck and get hardware out quick. You only want to install 2 (toss the 3rd).

Darwin is your main breaker. Ideally you will have it hosted on Omni-Drive to feed it at the start of your turn.

Sneakedoor and Nerve Agent are made to surprise the Corp if you can bottle up their remotes. You will probably know they have agendas in hand if they clear virus tokens.

6 Jun 2014 saracenus

Too much Weyland floating in my meta. I have Jinteki answers, so I am getting rid of Levy AR Lab Access and Kraken had not made a single difference in play. Out they went in with Plascrete Carapace. I am fiddling with Knight and Aesop's Pawnshop to round out the deck in the upcoming version. Will publish once I get a chance to test it.