Surveyor Palana (1st @ Katowice Regionals)

Matuszczak 2311

2-3 in Swiss, 2-0 in the cut. I expected to see Clanarchs all day long and that's exactly what happenned, with one 419 in the mix. Lost against Val, Freedom & 419, bet Quetzals twice and Jander's Patchwork MaxX twice in the cut.

The plan is simple: go fast enough not to have to keep agendas in HQ and score them as they come. Protecting the remote is priority #1, you only protect the oher ones not to lose on accesses. Unless there is diversion of funds involved, 1 is the most HQ ice you should have, 0 is best. Your remote should be a safer place then your HQ and hence never be empty. Abuse Surveyor, it's possibly the best corp card now.

Ladu Liberty is not completely terrible, but she is underwhelming, an extra piece of ICE or upgrade would have been better. Agenda suite is a close call, I went with 21 points to facilitate scoring out, the 3rd Obokata could easily be a 3rd CST. Four 5/3s are too many, you want to be scoring those last when possible.