NBN Program Destruction

chipacabras 8

The driving force behind this deck was a burning desire to use Data Hound to some effect, and I think it may actually sorta work.

In this deck you want to be trying to disrupt the runner's setup with program trashing from aggressive secretary, archer, power shutdown, and bad times. Resource trashing though tags from breaking news or data raven can help stop resource based economies in their tracks.

So general strategy: Fast advance out astroscript or beales behind wraparounds, lotus fields, or an archer. Use breaking news (or TGTBT in a pinch) to rez archer. Stick data hounds on centrals: runners seems to only rarely break or attempt to beat the trace. Data ravens placement depends on how scared the runner is of tags, but generally centrals are better. Lotus Field can be expensive, but it's quite strong against parasite/Yog.0 decks and has proven it's worth thus far.

Place the aggressive secretary behind a remote data raven or a potentially dangerous remote. Single advance it to bluff as a NAPD or double advance it to bluff it as a breaking news that you're trying to take advantage of.

ChiLo City Grid goes well with data hound and data ravens to force a break, but their use is questionable and may get cut from a future version.

BadTimes is also one of the more questionable cards. It's great when the runner has used up all of their MU, but since I've normally been trashing their programs, I've yet to play it. It may be good for mounting a comeback, but only more games will tell.

Closed Accounts/Psychographics are the other tag punishment to strengthen data raven, ChiLo, and TGTBT.

Finally the power shutdown provides strong, targeted program removal. Pulling one off with a Jackson on the board can be a really nasty surprise splash and when paired with bad times, can make even a MU removal hurt.

So thanks for reading! I hope that you find this deck as much fun as I do!

21 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

With a deck focused on program trashing, you want more binary ice. I'd drop restructure, data raven and psychographics and add in more binary ETR ice, as well as maybe some drip econ. Forcing the runner to split time and money between installing breakers and trashing your drip is enough to slow them down, and tagging is basically an afterthought for you. You might drop TGTBT and add in sea source, or find slots for midseasons so you can keep them tagged to use bad times. Midseasons is nice because you don't have to have the full combo when you drop the tags on them.