Stop. Hammer Time.

BTrain 2971

You thought HQ was safe?

The goal here is to wreck the corp's hand without relying on the bad pub mechanics everyone is preparing for with Valencia. Ed Kim packs a nasty punch and can clear out cards the corp would rather hold onto, so let's ramp that up.

HQ is already the soft spot you want to focus on with Ed, but we want to spread out that pressure to R&D. Medium is a natural choice then for the multi-server squeeze. Host your virus programs on Progenitor to keep them fed. Planned Assault into everything you need, and the good news here is that even though you're not accessing if you use Eater, you're still triggering effects like Account Siphon on HQ or building tokens on Medium. Crypsis becomes the answer for code gates when it's time to get in and access, Corroder is there mostly for Wraparound, and Mimic + Datasucker get us through Swordsman, but along the way you should be destroying ice with Eater and the cutlery.

Get to wreckin'!

17 Jan 2015 Softman25

As a matter of principle, if you're really wanting to get in and wreck HQ, I'm surprised at no Imp - which really ramps up the pressure. With a little multi access you can get rid of two cards from hand (one op. and one ICE / another op) with an Imp on the field.

Also mega excited to see what appears to be a legit Anarch list without Parasite. :)

17 Jan 2015 BTrain

@Softman25I considered Imp, and I really want it in here, I just don't know where to cut. So many fun toys!!

17 Jan 2015 Softman25

See, usually I would say just got to 47 and be damned, but on second look - there 'aint no draw power here that isn't Steelskin! And you don't necessarily want to be blowing that on a simple draw action. So perhaps not the best idea.

Let's say you wanted 2 Imps. You could maybe cut 1 Crypsis since you have the Special Order - and then go to 46? Money is still an issue so I definitely wouldn't cut any money. Maybe consider going to 2 Progenitor instead of 3? (and go to 46) I dunno, just spitballing at this point.

17 Jan 2015 whuppo

I think that focusing on R&D is a better choice than HQ with Eddy Kim, bc you trash his assets, operations and stuff before he can get the chance to actually play it. Fresh cards almost every time. But you need IMP. After he locks R&D go for his office. With one HQ Interface and a Legwork and maybe two you're good.