Conniving lil Brat - Blackmail Deck

rediknight 59

Blackmail deck. Originally had a different name for it but cleaned it up a little when I made it public.

So there are many things going on here and obviously room for influence. However at 41 cards that is already more than I would like and I'd rather have cards that fit the strategy than get out of faction cards just to use up influence. It was at 40 but added one of the source to help deal with Fast Advance which this deck doesn't fair well against.

It is absolutely a must to play with Shaper because of the 3 Quality Times and 3 Levy AR Lab Access which lets you reset and draw for the pieces you need. You can see I have planned for all the most common Ice that people will use Oversight AI or Bioroid Efficiency Research on. Also have 1 Crypsis to deal with Accelerated Beta Test popping some rezzed ice. If you are confused on why certain cards are in there feel free to leave a comment and I will explain.