Credit Denial v0.2

MikeCobra 1

Haven't really played in ages, so this is my first attempt at deckbuilding since before C&C.

The idea is to use Reina's ability, along with Xanadu, to keep the cost of rezzing ICE high.

To keep the corporation's credits too low to do anything, we have Account Siphon and Vamp. Lawyer Up gives a cost-efficient way to remove the tags that this will result in. We can also use Imp to blow up any income cards we see in R&D/HQ or even on the field.

In the event that ice is rezzed, we have parasites to kill it and Crypsis and the fixed strength breakers can try and break through. Datasuckers are present to ensure this doesn't take too long.

To ensure we keep our own cash high enough, we have a large number of income options. Liberated Accounts and Daily Casts provide the backbone, with Sure Gamble to help the deck set up in the early game.

In the case the Corp gets a significant amount of credits, we can use Running Interference and Rook to increase the rez costs even higher.

In the hope that we're rolling in cash, and the corp is near to filing bankruptcy, it should be easy to waltz into the R&D department and our Medium should help us look for those precious agenda!

Finally, we have Deja Vu to recur the viruses and Djinn to tutor and host them. Grimoire should help speed up the deck.

Criticism would be greatly appreciated!

Changes from v0.1 were inspired by the critique of TiltingAtCthulthu. Thanks!