Your Opponent's Confused Expression

frizz 54

Want to beat one person exactly once, and see them have a confused expression on their face the whole game? You're in luck then, because this is the deck for you!

This deck's job is to abuse the heck out of the DDoS/False Echo combo, and Keyhole 10-13 times in one power turn.

Playing this deck is fairly simple. Just keep drawing as much as possible in the early game, get two or three leprechauns out, stick your hyperdrivers and MOpus on them. Keep pressure on HQ with Fisk Investment Seminar, and on early scoring remotes with Femme. Avoid installing Keyhole or False Echo early, to maximize your amusement when the corp finally realizes too late what you're doing.

When you're finally set up, and have a number on-demand False Echo to keep the corp from rezzing any R&D ice, fire off all of your Hyperdrivers and a DDoS. Then install Keyhole and your False Echos if you haven't already, and go to town on R&D.

This deck is completely, utterly terrible. But, I guarantee the expression on your opponent's face the one time it works will make it all worthwhile.

20 Sep 2015 daytodave

I bet this could work in the Faust Theory shell, where we use Bagbiter + Mopus + Game day to draw the whole deck, then Mass Installs to drop the lep, hyperdriver, echos and keyhole all at once.

For bonus points, use DaVinci to keep DDoS hidden until you start the first Keyhole run.

20 Sep 2015 frizz

I love the idea of using DaVinci to hide DDoS. My experience with Bagbiter + Game Day shenanigans is that it's incredibly slow, but it might still be faster than this. Getting rid of Femme, Fisk, Scavenge, and Test Run could certainly free up the deck space for even more jank!