Your Ice is Birdseed

skydivingninja 412

I wanted to make an Anarch deck that worked really well, and I wanted to do it in a way that wasn't obvious or overdone. So that meant no Soul Siphon, no Motherf**kers, and no Noise mill.

Quetzel has always been a pretty cool runner to me, so I decided to aim for an aggressive cutlery and Siphon-focused deck. I've been switching between using Eater or Overmind for early-game breakers, and after testing a bit I think I prefer the efficiency of Eater that extends into the late game over the very strong early, but conditional, power of Overmind.

Basically, the plan is to destroy troublesome ice as early as possible, and establish an R&D lock with Medium.

The deck has proven to be very fast out of the gate, being able to get at least some of its pieces together quickly enough to apply pressure on servers.

Atman is meant to be a late-game replacement for Overmind or Eater, usually set at 4 to deal with Lotus Field and anything else between the anarch breakers and D4v1d.

8 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I feel like you should really have a single Corroder in here, Identity aside. Otherwise this looks like a lot of fun, and very stable.

The only obvious change might be some HQ multi-access... maybe -1 Account Siphon for +1 Legwork? Anything else for Wanton Destruction? I dunno, it's a hard call. I'm likely just trying to force the deck into a box in which it doesn't fit.

9 Apr 2015 skydivingninja

Thanks for the feedback! A single Wanton may be a good plan. Not sure what to take out though. Thinking about a Parasite or Eater since I really want to keep the single Spooned and Forked.

With the Knifed recursion and the lack of barriers in most decks I've found Quetzel does okay with without Corroder, especially since Atman takes care of any 4+ strength ones like Eli.

10 Apr 2015 skydivingninja

So I did some testing yesterday and I think Vigil is actually pretty good HQ control. They don't want you drawing cards because of them so they keep their hand at 3/4 cards. They're also gonna devote all their resources to keeping you out of R&D.