MaxXimum Efficiency

CommissarFeesh 410

So, kind of a my first MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock deck. Also my first ever deck published on NRDB! Really I know I should test the deck a lot more than I have before publishing, but it's nice to get feedback, and also it'd be good to get some kind of presence on the site :P A few quick notes, though I imagine a lot of this is self-explanatory.

You're looking for an efficient rig, installed cheaply, and to that end, you ideally want your Femme Fatale and Morning Star in the heap (yay MaxX!) for a Retrieval Run to collect later. You might even do the same with Yog.0, but 5 is not an unreasonable install cost.

With that setup, and two Datasuckers down, very little will keep you out for long, and your runs are likely to be cheap cheap cheap. Annoying ICE like Komainu can be killed with Parasite like always, and most other multi-subroutine ICE falls to Yog and Morning Star. Net-Ready Eyes either saves sucker tokens or makes Lotus Field breakable, as required.

I'm not yet 100% sure I have the economy package right, I'm usually either very flush or very broke. Any feedback there is especially welcome.

Singularity is kind of a panic button for those times when you REALLY need to nuke a server but aren't sure you can survive the access.

Grimoire and MemStrips between them make sure you've got enough MU for everything (but watch out for Cortex Lock!) Add in a sprinkling of recursion and some extra draw/damage protection with I've Had Worse and we're done.

All feedback and criticism gratefully received!