Dedicated trap v1.0

Exo 355

I would like to let people know that I first made that deck simply for the fun of it but it turn out to work really well.

One of the advantage of Jinteki is to force the runner to take more time to run because he can be punish a lot. It turn out to be a lot more punish with DRT out.

As soon as you got DRT out, it start to be a lot more touble for the runner to run freely If you manage to have two + a Data Raven with Power Counter, this is pretty much over.

I'm sure you'll says that the influence could be spend a lot more stagically. But give it a try just for fun and you'll be surprise just like me I'm sure. Have 3x DRT and 3x DR make it possible to have at least 1 out from the mid game and you only got 8 agenda.

I manage to kill a guys on turn one by revealing a DRT while he draw a Snare! from HQ. I have only three cards left in hands so he had a good chance to draw it.

Agenda: The first agenda you want to score is Executive Retreat if possible. This is the only one that won't punish the runner in any case.

You hope that won't score Philotic Entanglement because this is a really bad ass game ender.

Fetal AI as no need for introduction. This is simply one of the best agenda.

The Future Perfect will make the runner loose time and force him to take tags at some point. You want to keep them in your hands if you think you can kill him.


Pecognition fit too much here. You lower the power of Indexing and multiaccess R&D cards + most runner will start to overthink stuff when run a less a R&D when you just placed the cards in it. Plus it gives you hint on the runner. Is he rush there anyway and like to take chances? Is he wait a few turn and runs HQ instead? It gives you more tools to trap him later.

One more indication as I don't want to write more about it too much if people are not going to give it a try.

You want a Data Raven on R&D. Because this is where the runner will run a lot in search agendas. He will always have to take tags to go through or spend a lot of more and/or click to dig it. Plus if you manage to get at least one Power Counter on it. You can end the game with DRT pretty easily when the occasion present itself.

14 May 2014 Pinkwarrior

They don't have to take the tag from data raven only if they want to break through. I personally find it best to use them as a bounce to raid remotes when playing this ID.

14 May 2014 Exo

They have to take the tag if they want to go through, that was I meant. Yeah for sure runners will tend to bounce back and wait later. In this case you gain time so this is fine. But this deck is designed to have them tags or DRT is useless.

14 May 2014 Exo

But hey thanks for the feedback, I just realize my sentence wasn't clear :)