Iain connections

x3r0h0ur 8956

This is the deck I piloted in the Winter Tourney the night before Worlds main event. This and the PE deck represented decks I threw together after 2 games of playtesting for fun at the event. I played giving 0 shits and not thinking about anything as I went.

I think this went 2-2 and the PE went 3-1. This was a new style for me, but having played it since, I've developed a play style for it.

Essentially it plays on building a base of connections, allowing the corp to get ahead (like most stirlings), then it tips the game back in the favor of the runner.

Ideally rush supplier and logos to the table, then li or kati depending on which aspect you're hurting in. Draw or money. Then you load kati, take tri-maf cash, host up connections while prodding at servers. If you steal, no big deal, makes your late game easier.

First logos trigger is for supplier, crypsis or a needed breaker, or HQI depending on what you're looking at. Second is for Sneakdoor, vamp, or source depending on who you're playing and how many HQI are on the board. Sneakdoor off logos helps you surprise the corp with a turn of back door pounding with HQI, usually I get 2-4 points off this pull.

Finally around the time of the last score, you can take a well primed kati, several turns of tri-maf'ing, and vamp the hell out of the corp, and jam the keyhole down and go to town. You can also use the vamp early to attack the remote if you can vamp out the corp and run the remote (inside job if necessary). Don't be afraid to get 2 points being moderately aggressive early, then 2 points vamping out to attack a remote if you want. Then the final combo is much easier to score 3 points.

Once you've got your mega turn spent, you can keep up with the corp with 5 clicks because of Rach, 2 tri-maf, and pumping kati, and of course sustain 2-3 more turns of aggression with big calling in favors plays.

I might cut 2 siphon for some other tools/connections, or more crypsises, but I find it too hard to cut to exploit an early easy access to HQ, to help get Rachael on the board. Obviously once Rach is out, no siphon or vamp, so hold her back on supplier until you're sure you're not siphon/vamping.

Alternatively I could see fall guy/data leak + vamp removing kati and a source, and playing it like a ghetto Anatomy of Criminal type thing.

If you like to play a build-up/inevitability build, this is a blast to play, and with a little work could be pretty strong.

Fun note, this poops hard on CI decks, so if you hate CI, play this, you will win every time if you play right.