SEA - Scorched Earth Advisers Inc

CodeMarvelous 20021

"Greed, for lack of a better word good" alt text

So this is the Titan rush deck I am testing. Similar to the super-modernism of old but with a modern and post MWL twist.


Global Food Initiative - keeps agenda density down by not being forced to run any true 5/3s like the old supermodern build.

Mark Yale - Man this guy is great. he is our Gordon Gekko, capable of giving us burst econ, baiting runs and messing with runner SEA source math. Only one because he can be tutored and he isn't critical early.

Biotic Labor - Helps us close and helps us get that first Atlas counter if we need it.

GLC - Money and acceleration

Power Shutdown - in a MWL meta clone chip is not as prevalent and people are playing cheap breakers like Zu13 and using Scheherazade in both Noise and Hayley making this card very potent and giving you windows. Also, you can catch people napping where they will install SMC run but not use it or people will run with only their plascrete on the board enabling you to power shutdown for 3 to kill it.

SEA Source - you will like have once chance to kill the runner and it's probably gonna be early so sea source is the better choice because its condition is more easily met.

Fast Track - Helps you close if you already had to use your atlas counters, enables you to rush out an agenda after a good power shut down, etc etc.

ICE - Super-modernism standard with some adjustments for things like Meru and Spiderweb. It is worth noting that Archer is a lot better in this meta and this deck is all about gearcheck, shutdown, and meat damage threat.

In the high risk world of investing you have to be aggressive and live fast or you get left in the dust. The same is true of this deck if you let the game go to long you will just lost to lategame runner power.

Rush as fast as possible and punish them for running. Have some guts and be greedy because greed is good.

14 Jan 2016 WayneMcPain

I'm toying with a very similar list. Question: Do you think Biotic Labor is worth playing over SanSan City Grid? Obviously it can't be trashed (barring Imp or Kim shennanigans) and is more surprising, but the Atlas train is like it's own win condition by itself, it's so potent. It also creates a threat that the runner HAS to deal with, possibly dragging him/her through an Archer to get to it and making the runner go broke, which in turn opens up a SeaScorch window. I mean, yeah it could get trashed out of RnD before you get to it, but I think the times where you do use it, it will be much more impactful than Biotic and may even singlehandedly win games for you.

14 Jan 2016 Saan

@WayneMcPain I think the main difference between the two is that SanSan is good for the Atlas Train (as you mention) and can win games off the back of that. It's generally good earlier on, since that's when you can get the most mileage out of it.

Biotic is good for closing games out. Weyland has a hard time scoring their last agenda, since the runner is, by definition, the most set up they're going to be at that point. Biotic can close that gap by spitting out the last Atlas from hand.

For that reason, I think Biotic is better as a one-of card in this deck. Since you only play one copy, you're most likely not going to see it til late in the game, and that's when SanSan is at it's worst. After all, if they can't get in the server, you don't need SanSan, you just need the agenda. If they can get in the server, SanSan just gets trashed. Plus, if you have 2 Atlas tokens, you can tutor up both Biotic and the Atlas and simply win.

14 Jan 2016 Gmtiberus

I'm testing a similar list, with News Team instead of the Snare!. The runner must decide Tag and Scorched Earth or an agenda of -1 point. Two bad choice.

15 Jan 2016 vor_lord

@CodeMarvelous at 21 agenda points, why not do a straight swap of NAPD Contract for a Food? You don't want to score the food anyway, and NAPD helps your SEA Source land.

15 Jan 2016 Badeesh

These lists make Edward Kim very very happy. Keep em coming! XD

15 Jan 2016 jwilks

@vor_lord NAPD would reduce influence due to the new rules.

I love this deck. I've been playing something very similar for a couple months. I've actually gotten more kills by baiting runners into a Snare than by using SEA Source. Has the runner been taking stupid risk, like running last click or access with only a couple cards? Atlas token for an agenda and then install a snare. Of course this doesn't work too often on skilled players, but it's still fun.

15 Jan 2016 Saan

@jwilks Global Food is also worth an influence, so swapping one for the other changes nothing.

15 Jan 2016 CodeMarvelous

So an update. Since I published this list it has gone 11/2 Losing once to a friend of mine and once to an Edward Kim. All in all its doing very well. As far as agenda Suite I am considering turning one Oaktown Renovation into a The Future is Now to get to 20 AP

15 Jan 2016 HexNet

NAPD isn't very good because of Hostile Takeover bad pub.

I like -2 Oaktown (even though I LOVE that card) for +1 GFI to get your density down. You go from 21 points down to 20, which is now only 17 for runners. I score GFIs all the time. You'll need to free up an influence for this though, which I recommend -1 GLC. Add in the 3rd Beanstalk to keep your economy cards. You'll gain a card slot from the agenda switch, which could be another economy card ([[restructure]]), a piece of ice (ice wall/spiderweb), an [[Interns]], or a [[Cyberdex Virus Suite]].

As for the Snare!, I like [[News Team]] better since it doesn't cost credits, really hurts when paired with GFI's, triggers in archives, and re-triggers on each access, and still triggers in archives (power shutdown synergy).

Lastly, Caduceus. Link strength is everywhere, Mimics are everywhere, Parasites and clone chips just took an influence hit. Try [[Errand Boy]] instead?

15 Jan 2016 CodeMarvelous

@HexNet you have to keep in mind snare isn't to tag the runner its to scare them out of running.

It also lets me still kill with meat once they have plascrete down by getting them down below 4 cards

15 Jan 2016 hi_impact

This archetype is strong at the moment. I ran one with SanSans and 2x Housekeeping (still had the high density, just went with it). In two GNKs I took 2nd/3rd, running over Nexus Kates and Aesops Hayley/Noise. Take this shell and tweak it to your meta/playstyle, and I think the field is ripe for exploitation.

The Housekeeping was particularly brutal. The Hayley was on tilt practically the whole game from the turn 2 play.

15 Jan 2016 CodeMarvelous

Housekeeping Brilliant Idea!

15 Jan 2016 voltorocks

@CodeMarvelous liking the look of this deck. I've bouncing back to titan since it's release, and every time, it stills seems too weak, but it also seems... better and better. Looks like this list is close to "being there"

@hi_impact housekeeping definitely intrigues me in a rush setup like this. compared to this list, what differed that made room to fit it in?

15 Jan 2016 voltorocks

sorry for the double post, just wanted to also mention that I think a single TFIN is a great sub for the oaktown. besides getting the density down, it's yet another no-advance tutor threat and one that is secret, allowing you to get whatever you want (if, for example, what you want is an agenda to score) without telegraphing what card you called up. been having great results with it in gagarin, and I can imagine it will shine here as well.

15 Jan 2016 hi_impact

@voltorocksThis is what I played, very similar to various Titans going around and @CodeMarvelous's as well:

It's MWL compliant already. Code's differences are all perfectly acceptable as well. News Team singlehandedly won me one of the six GNK games, I really like it as a competitor with Snare! and offsetting the loss of GFI. And it compliments Shutdown really well, yet I am not running it in this week's build.

17 Jan 2016 D4KEN

@CodeMarvelous nice solid deck. By now i run this with -1 Caduceus, -1 Oaktown Renovation, +1 The Future is Now and +1 Errand Boy.
Had some problems with Quetzal: Free Spirit and Faust. Need to work on piloting.