

This deck is my version of a Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire necromancer deck that I heard about on a podcast. It focuses heavily on playing Cache and Gravedigger once Grimoire is installed. This is paired with Aesop's Pawnshop to give a consistent Econ while still getting the mills that you want. I have included Eater and two copies of each utensil to work with Gravedigger. Almost every program in this deck other than your main breakers and Incubator are meant to feed Aesop's Pawnshop once they are no longer useful like after a purge occurs. Déjà Vu is to be used for pulling Cache and Gravedigger out of your heap. I added The Supplier as a way to not only save credits, but also as a way to host Wyldside, and Adjusted Chronotype until I have Aesop's Pawnshop in play. I am testing Zona Sul Shipping as another means of Econ but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. You want to get out Eater and Gravediggeras soon as possible so that you can start using the utensils right away so that they don't fill your hand up. The ideal staring hand would include Cache, Aesop's Pawnshop, and Grimoire. I know that there are better cards I could use in this deck but don't own every pack. I would love to hear feedback and any idea on what I could do to improve this deck. Thank you!