Leela Impossible V2

krystman 2837

A Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist build based on the one by ANR Blackhats. Did some tweaks to her. It's a very fun deck capable to turn the tables with seemingly nothing on the board. Excellent at creating surprising openings and exploiting them.

Did some tweaks from the 1st version. Dropped the Ninja for a Mimic. Thanks to Earthrise Hotel I got the influence I was hurting for. Went up to two Corroder. Added a Stimhack with the last bit of influence. Replaced Plascrete Carapace with Crash Space as a test. It allows to squeeze out even more money out of Account Siphons. So far no regrets.

She works great. Swims in money and hits hard. I'm seeing a lot if 1x cards so the next step is probably about polish and consistency.

16 Jan 2015 x3r0h0ur

I disagree with Dave, and agree with your choice to run crescentus. I think you would be better served to run eshutdown though, as it is roughly the same purpose, but takes up MU. Eshutdown first, then crescentus.

16 Jan 2015 krystman

I think they are both very similar. I was using Emergency Shutdown all this time so I thought I give Crescentus a try. The nice thing about Crescentus is that I can get something de-rezzed immediatly to bounce it back on the same access. Say I run on R&D with The Maker's Eye. They rez a Tsurugi. I break it with Faerie and derez with Crescentus. I access, score and bounce it back.

Emergency Shutdown also doesn't gel with Doppelgänger. Normally, I would Account Siphon or Legwork and then use Doppelgänger to combo in an R&D run or something. This would be a perfect opportunity for Emergency Shutdown. But in order to use it I need to use a click in-between, breaking the Doppelgänger combo.

I agree that the extra MU can be problematic. Also it telegraphs.

16 Jan 2015 whuppo
16 Jan 2015 krystman

@whuppo - love him. Would fit really well. But in this deck I would have to sacrifice things I don't want to sacrifice.

17 Jan 2015 whuppo

@krystman Maybe -1 Crescentus, -1 Special Order, -1 Account Siphon? Würde deinem Spielplan nicht weh tun.

17 Jan 2015 whuppo

And if you change back to 1x Plascrete, there would be definitiv space for The Supplier <3

18 Jan 2015 krystman

Try it and let me know how it went.

As you can tell I'm already running just 2x Armitage Codebusting an 2x Bank Job. If I was hurting for economy I would have just upped those.

18 Jan 2015 pomme

Played this deck and won a few times!