The Singularity

CodeMarvelous 20021

This is my idea for a high impact, lots of synergy Apex based on my favorite Noise card: Cache.

Legwork and makers eyes for important accesses.

e3 for synergy, mimic for low str sentry savings.

clone chip for bringing stuff back.

gonna give it a go

11 Aug 2015 Abstract

I like the inclusion of any programs that have counters and don't trash themselves, like Cache, D4v1d, Imp, or the dog breakers. Most of those are a lot of influence, but you get to use them, then trash them for Endless Hunger.

11 Aug 2015 thrazznos

Still more efficient than a 4 credit double.

11 Aug 2015 andrewboydston

Have you considered including Independent Thinking? It seems like a pretty good way to rebuild your rig after an Apocalypse.

11 Aug 2015 PeterCapObvious

@andrewboydston, I think Independent Thinking would be good, but bear in mind that every card that goes face down becomes more fodder for Endless Hunger

12 Aug 2015 Salindurthas

Endless Hunger + e3 is a pretty good combo (sorta obvious, but it bears mentioning).

I wonder how often you will meet ice you can't break with that combo? How many of those pieces of ice get covered by Mimic?

I guess things like Chum or Cortex Lock can't be broken, but hopefully you can break what is after Chum, and With Endless Hunger out your unused MU could easily be zero.

12 Aug 2015 vvribeiro

What's the answer for Grim, Nebula and the new Enforcer 1.0?

12 Aug 2015 CodeMarvelous

@Salindurthas Cortex lock will not hit me when my memory is full which it will often be

@vvribeiro those ice will go off, luckily not many people are playing them currently, what I am finding with apex is you can't cover all your bases same as you cant build a blue sun that has a good time against quetzal

12 Aug 2015 turkishvancat

@vvribeiro Enforcer 1.0 is actually pretty easy to deal with here; click through one sub, E3 through the others.