GLC Modded: Steamroll Hoshiko (3-1)

branimated 617

Sorry, Corps

This is the Runner deck I played in the excellent Modded tournament hosted by Dirjel for the Green Level Clearance Discord (3 rounds in May, 1 round in June)

See my Corp here

It's undefeated so far, and I think it'll take some truly staggering misplays on my part to change that, due to the deck's gameplan and the general weakness of Corp in the Modded format. UPDATE: Did in fact misplay and dropped a game against a Punitive Blue Sun. WHOOPS.

The plan is essentially the same as the Standard version - Install drip (Casts, Rezeki, friendos, Keiko, DreamNet, etc), find Stargate, and relentlessly punish the Corp's servers until you have 7 points. I've been happy with the influence spread, here are my thoughts on them:

Career Fair - Cheap and easy tempo for our multiple excellent targets

Boomerang - Best card in the format, even better when you install it at a discount with Poemu.

Abagnale - It's either this or Utae or Gordian Blade. Gordo is too influence spendy, and Utae has a base strength of 1, so Abagnale it is. The bypass comes in handy occasionally.

Rezeki - What else is there to say about this card? Sorry, Corps.

SMC - Lets us contest early rushes, find our Stargate, and abuse our Stimhack money.

Oh, and before I forget - Odore has been pretty good, actually. Getting to 3 virtuals is easy enough in this list, and it's easier to do that than set up Datasucker (in order to play Mimic).

I've really appreciated the simplicity of the list for letting me focus on good fundamentals (and rack up wins, because even though I play Netrunner for a variety of reasons, I can't deny that it feels good to win games.)

Big thanks to Dirjel for organizing this tournament (and many others)!