BigShooter - 3-1 at Seattle CO

cablooshe 152

I took this deck to the Seattle CO. It's a mosh pit of ideas from a bunch of other people who have write-ups + playing skill that are way better then mine, so check those out. This one runs with slightly less money and only has 1x Audacity, to allow for inclusion of both 2x Big Deal and 2x Trojan Horse.

I don't remember what list I saw Under the Bus in that inspired me to add it myself, but it's fine. Same with the additional rigshooting ice and Hortum, though it might be that I saw it in an Ob list and just forgot that that's a different ID. I might change out one of the Stavkas in the future since the trash is a bit awkward, but I like Conundrum and the Hortum's are nice cheap ETR that isn't 6 strength.

Speaking of ICE at 6 strength, I just want to quickly mention my thoughts on how Atman at 6 power counters can just kind of destroy 95% of the scary ICE Outfit decks are running right now, and I firmly believe that it's a good card if you can fit it in the current meta, since it can also deal with Brân 1.0. I plan to find some way to fit it into a deck somehow, I just need to make sure there's money for it. That upfront cost is definitely a huge limiter.

19 Dec 2023 Santa

Atman is something I’ve been super curious about too.

I agree it’s well positioned vs outfit.

If you come up with something using it would be super cool to see!