Niche Wall Trick [3-0 @ Future Standard, Redcap's / US Nats]

lukifer 1265

"I'm just another brick in the wall"

This deck went undefeated at the US Nats Future Standard side event, which let us play with spoiled Automata cards early. Without a full collection with me, I splashed a few new cards into this pre-existing build, which I've been iterating for a while, and IMO it's a solid T2 archetype (~65% win rate across ~50 games).

Game Plan

This is the slowest fast-advance deck ever. We ICE up aggressively, and get Wall To Wall rolling in a protected remote ASAP. (We can win without it, but it's more difficult; runners are correct to trash this by any means necessary.)

We then patiently build up ICE and counters to tax the runner out (particularly with MVP Mestnichestvo, which in this deck says "Gain 1, runner loses 3/6"), and score agendas at our leisure with Trick of Light + Audacity, spinning them back for a second go as needed. If the runner establishes Clot-lock (or there's a good window), we pull back W2W and switch to glacier mode. Between Border Control, Messy Niche, and a few other tricks, we can usually score out the old-fashioned way.

Play notes:

  • You'll usually want to single-advance most cards in remotes:
    • For NGO, you got your extra 2nd-adv credit upfront; and if naked, the runner will feel pressured to keep you off the second advance, taxing a precious click.
    • For an honest Atlas score, the counter lets you fetch FA tools or the winning Hostile.
    • For SDS, a single-advance often means they let it go, and then you use a FA tool to get it off the board next turn (hopefully nuking a key breaker).
    • Even for Above the Law, the ability to windmill an agenda or W2W back in to the remote next turn is often worth it.
  • Sometimes you have to put the W2W adv on something with no counters, but try to avoid it, so you get full B2L value
    • Remember you can put it on any ICE; if non-advanceable, it can bluff as something else, or serves as a Trick battery.
  • Once W2W sticks, consider pre-icing Archives to prevent giving the runner a free Pinhole target.
  • You have the option to mind-game the runner by continually pulling back and replacing W2W, and eventually never-advancing a 3/2 (or making them wonder if you did). I usually don't bother, but it's a legit line if your Yomi is strong.
  • When fast-advancing, ensure you regular advance once before you play your FA trick.
  • Never click for a credit if you can advance something for profit instead!

Notes on New Cards & Rotation

I love the new cards in general; but Cybersand doesn't justify a slot instead of another upgrade or more ICE (plus it non-bos with W2W).

Slash and Burn replaced 1x Azef, and it works exactly as expected. While in theory you can set up a Spin in advance to rescue it, IMO it's better to have pre-iced Archives with something taxing, and/or just trade 2-for-2 with the runner.

Tree Line is solid, though with Botulus being everywhere and no inf for Magnet, 1-of might be correct.

Never got to trigger Tucana; realized too late it's a non-bo with naked FAs. Still possibly good on centrals, or honest remote scoring, but with its cheap trash cost, the slot is probably better as another defensive upgrade or ICE.

Losing Mausolus really hurts (previously a 3-of), since its existence is the scariest face-check when the first 3-adv is up. Time will tell if runners show the same respect for 3-adv Hortum or 3-adv Colossus (the latter isn't super-common, and so fires surprisingly often).

Suggested Changes

-1: Tree Line, Valentão, Cybersand Harvester, Tucana

+1: Akhet, Hortum, Reduced Service, ZATO City Grid

31 Jul 2023 NotAgain

Was fun to play against you, def going to try the spicy purple decks we talked about ;)

6 Aug 2023 lukifer

@NotAgain Absolutely, pleasure to meet you, those were great games :D Looking forward to seeing the spicy purple lists, please tag me if/when you publish them!