Red Queen's Taxes

LordPrometheus85 1

I've been wanting to try a deck like this ever since Reina was spoiled. I love the idea of making it incredibly expensive for the corp to rez ice, making runs much easier. Even when they do rez it, Emergency Shutdown and Kraken are there to make it even more painful.

26 May 2014 Jashay

I'm playing a deck like this at the moment; so much fun! Strange though it sounds, I've fallen out of love with Deep Red in the deck... The situational click advantage never actually seemed to matter too much. Combos well with Overmind though.

I would put a couple of Pawns in the deck, because a savvy player will trash their own ice to get rid of Knights and Rooks.

How's The Source working for you? Didn't personally like it much.

As a different event, try the ubiquitous Account Siphon. You'll be taxing them left, right, and centre.

Also, watch out for Swordsman. The bugger is everywhere round here, and you literally have no way to break his subroutines. Once he starts popping overmind and knight, you'll have a bad time

26 May 2014 LordPrometheus85

I actually haven't playtested this deck yet. This is just an idea that I've had for awhile and really like. Do people actually play Swordsman? I guess if he starts showing up, I'll worry about him.

26 May 2014 LordPrometheus85

Actually, Parasite gets rid of Swordsman, so there's that. :)