heartless, mindless [0-2 at ICC]

jan tuno 3863

I didn't do this deck justice during ICC, but I do believe it could be my best facet variant to this day. Other people experimenting with the archetype (finally!) have been converging on this idea that Hearts and Minds is bad now that people run to look for it, especially since the trash cost is too low to really pressure Miss Bones in any way.

Armed Asset Protection is better than Hedge Fund and you know it.

Crisium Grid is there to improve the Esa matchup, which I played terribly anyway.

Thimblerig is amazing and I can't believe I didn't try it sooner.

29 Jul 2024 Council


29 Jul 2024 J0N4LD


(Stay Hydrated And Always Play Armed Asset Protection)

29 Jul 2024 aksu

Bad influence on Jonald with these card choises. Smh my head