Site Control (1st Place Edmonton 2019 Store Champs)

Sokka 5649

This deck is currently 10-0 online and I told myself I would only publish it if I won the store champs, and SOS decided I’m publishing it.

Cold Site Server + Border Control along with Efficiency Committee and Ikawah means you can score agendas without the runner having any chance of touching the remote. ASA allows you to get set up very quickly with ice on most assets. Rush out an Efficiency Committee early and you’re set up to win from there. With a scored Eff Comm you can install a new agenda (ASA install for Cold Site or a Border Control), adv, hit the scored Eff Comm 3 times for 4 remaining clicks and then hit the Cold Site 4 times making it basically impossible to run the remote next turn. Then you either score another Eff Comm and repeat the trick or you score Ikawah with Jeeves click. This hasn’t even factored Border Control which is absurd with Cold Site Server making just one Cold Site Counter mean the runner must spend their entire turn running your remote only to not have a click left to steal Ikawah Project. This means that if you score an Eff Comm early DO NOT waste any ice on your scoring remote that is not Border Control. Ice up your centrals because your scoring remote will be untouchable already.

Words of caution: -Be careful not to use all your ICE on remotes and to protect your centrals with enough tax because especially on the turns where you Cold Site the runner is probably hammering centrals. -Cold Site is weak to Political Operative so watch out for that. If the runner has it you’re still a Border Control deck with taxing ICE and Ash.

8 Apr 2019 CaKnuckleguy

10-0 online, 0-1 versus me.

But yeah, it's a good deck.

8 Apr 2019 Sokka

@CaKnuckleguy haha yeah your early barrier breaker with burst pressure at the wrong time (for me) spread my credits too thin :D

8 Apr 2019 Sokka

@CaKnuckleguy I’m sure I’ll get my rematch soon tho ;)

9 Apr 2019 zmb

I guess Apocalypse is a card that makes this deck sad :) Congrats on the win!

9 Apr 2019 Sokka

@zmb Thanks! Even tho the game plan of the deck seems countered by Apocalypse, 3x Architect and 3x Border Control makes it fairly manageable. Architect is for centrals and the 2nd and 3rd Border Controls are also for centrals as the remote almost never needs more than 1

12 Apr 2019 ptc

Fun looking deck! How many ICEd remotes do you typically aim for? I'd guess a scoring remote plus 2 for assets? And what ICE do you try to put on the non-scoring ones?

14 Apr 2019 Sokka

@CutthroatFinchThe scoring remote is literally just a Border Control plus maybe a Fairchild 3.0 depending on how aggressive the runner is on centrals. By the end of a game I usually have a scoring plus 2 or 3 more iced remotes for Jeeves Model Bioroids, Marilyn Campaign, and NASX listed in order of importance. Aside from the above mentioned scenario, Fairchild 3.0 is mostly for centrals, Meridian is Always for remotes (because on centrals the runner can take it and then exploit the open central), and then Slot Machine or IP Block are flexible depending on matchup (basically whether or not the runner is on Aumakua. If they’re not then I go IP on remotes and Slots on centrals and if they are then the other way around). And then Architect is good wherever (unless you smell Apoc in which case centrals all the time)

15 Apr 2019 Ajar

actions -> copy into my decks

EffCom + Cold Site is A+ rudeness. Love it.

16 Apr 2019 N0R5E

Would Remote Enforcement work better than Corporate Sales Team because it can help get the Border Control combo out? Meridian seems awkward because it can remove the ice that makes Fully Operational work. I would slot in Hagen, Eli 1.0, or Vanilla instead.

18 Apr 2019 ptc

@SokkaAwesome, cheers. Like@N0R5E, I was also wondering if Meridian might be better as an Eli. I guess the -1 agenda point is pretty nice if they do take it. How often do you find that happens?

Also Timely Public Release might be a good replacement for CST for a surprise BC install. The deck seems to have pretty solid econ.

19 Apr 2019 Sokka

@N0R5E @CutthroatFinch there are tons of good candidates for the one 4/2 agenda slot. Timely Public Release, Remote Enforcement, and Architect Deployment Test are all great for the slot. I chose Sales team because I think it’s more consistently good but all the other ones have their uses as well. As for Meridian: when I build Corp decks I almost never include 5/3 agendas unless I ONLY have 5/3 agendas or it’s Global Food Initiative because otherwise losing a 5/3 is way too swingy. This deck actually started with GFIs but I realized that Ikawah Project and Meridian both fit very well into the game plan. From my experience, unless the runner is very well set up they will almost always take the Meridian for the -1 point. Yes that means the ICE goes away which is why I only put it on remotes to protect assets. It’s a great card in the right deck and it’s the perfect card for this deck as asset protection!

19 Apr 2019 Sokka

@Ajar Thanks! Honestly I began to think there was something here only because of the responses from the opponent’s that I played. After clicking the Cold Site 4 times and passing turn the runner usually types something like “well that’s just terrible” :D Enjoy!

19 Apr 2019 Sokka

@N0R5E``@CutthroatFinch there are tons of good candidates for the one 4/2 agenda slot. Timely Public Release, Remote Enforcement, and Architect Deployment Test are all great for the slot. I chose Sales team because I think it’s more consistently good but all the other ones have their uses as well. As for Meridian: when I build Corp decks I almost never include 5/3 agendas unless I ONLY have 5/3 agendas or it’s Global Food Initiative because otherwise losing a 5/3 is way too swingy because then the runner only needs to steal 3 agendas. This deck actually started with GFIs but I realized that Ikawah Project and Meridian both fit very well into the game plan. Meridian serves to keep the agendas required at 4 and if the runner doesn’t take it then it’s an amazing early ICE. From my experience, unless the runner is very well set up they will almost always take the Meridian for the -1 point. Yes that means the ICE goes away which is why I only put it on remotes to protect assets. It’s a great card in the right deck and it’s the perfect card for this deck as asset protection!

19 Apr 2019 ptc

@SokkaAh I hadn’t thought of that. Good call.