Privacy Snooper

PaxCecilia 293

This is my first attempt at a Snoop > Invasion of Privacy > Neural EMP flatline deck. The basic idea is to see the Runners hand, and get counters on Snoop. Once they've got only events & resources, you Invade their privacy, and either Neural EMP or Snoop token them to death. No Plascrete protection. This decks worst enemy, as far as I can tell, is increased hand size, and The Professor :P

SanSan is still included in the case of decks that are unable to be killed in this way, I might still be able to set up a scoring server and build the astrotrain.

Reversed Accounts: I don't have any tagging, so I don't have closed accounts. Making the runner lose all their money makes Invasion of Privacy easier to pull off. I can set up a 'scoring' server with a Snoop, and IAA the reversed accounts. If they get through, no biggie, they either gave me a counter on Snoop or spent the resources to get through my Snoop and whatever other Ice I have there. If they don't run it, they lose at least 8c, or more if I advance a bit more before popping it. It depends on the situation, especially since Invasion of Privacy is a double.

Economy: It seems to me like this deck needs a pretty good economy. Say the runner has 4 event/resources in hand, and one hardware. I'd need to land an Invasion of Privacy, beating their trace by 4, and hit them with a Neural EMP and a Snoop counter to flatline them. My economy cards are Hedge Fund, Sweeps Week, Pop-up, Caduceus, and Private Contracts. Hedge Fund, Sweeps Week, and Pop-up are no brainers. Caduceus in Making News can double as both an economy card, if they can't get a Mimic out soon enough, and an ETR ice (otherwise its a nice little bit of tax). I'm a little worried rezzing this too early could force a sentry breaker to break my Snoops, but we'll see. Last is Private Contracts. It can be a fake out for an Astroscript install to be triple advanced next turn. It might get the runner to take a Snoop token, only to see it's 5c to trash. Overall though, I wanted more economy than what I had since the combo requires quite a bit. I might swap this out for Melange, but I wanted something with a higher trash cost since they will be really inclined to running it (plus Melange thins out your R&D if they trash from there).

Another weird include I threw in was Sagittarius. I figured that if D4v1d is completely ruining your day, then a 4 str tracer that can trash up to 2 programs might come in handy.

Let me know what you think in the comments, I'd love to refine this a little better, and get any feed back from people who have tried this out.

30 Oct 2014 metaman

I love the deck idea! Did not think of the Snoop+Invasion of Privacy interaction, and did not ever think of putting Neural EMP in an NBN deck.

This looks to my like the true spirit of an NBN kill deck. :)

I will try to give this a go in my next play season.

A few questions:

  • It looks like you need a lot of money, and it is a combo deck.
  • Did you try it with NBN TWIY? That might make the combo easier to pull off ?
  • Did you try it with NBN NEH ? That has more influence.

I have been quiet successful playing a NBN TWI PsychoGift TagStorm deck. It has a super strong economic engine of only events: Celebrity Gift + Sweeps Week + HedgeFund, so you cover 1c / 3c / 5c start-up costs. That uses up 9 inf however.

If you add 3x Celebrity Gift and 1x Neural EMP then you are at 15 inf. If you switch to NEH then you could still add 2 Eli 1.0. Making the ice stack interesting will be a bit tricky, but it probably can be done with just 2 Eli, some more NBN ice and rounding it out with neutral ice, like Guard.

I will be posting my NBN TWIY deck in the next few days, and can give you a ping if thats interesting for you ;)

30 Oct 2014 metaman

Something else: Have look at the N.E.A.R.P.A.D. NBN NEH deck. I think thats what its called. Its a horizontal NBN deck, with ~30 cards that can be installed as servers, Encryption Protocol, and Private Security Force. Dont have the link right now, but should not be hard to find.

31 Oct 2014 moistloaf

I agree with @metaman that the econ may be a bit light. Sweeps Week is 3 more in-faction Hedge Fund; I would definitely run 3. I may tweak this a bit and bring it to my LGS Achievement League on Sunday. I haven't played any NBN yet and have been looking for a Snoop list I liked. This could be the one.

31 Oct 2014 moistloaf

Somehow I missed that you already have Sweeps Week in here. Disregard my comment......

31 Oct 2014 PaxCecilia

So I totally flubbed the rules, forgot that you cannot use the Snoop token to flatine, you have to do damage to do that last one. So there's an obvious modification of -1 Saggitarius/Caduceus for +1 Neural EMP. Even then, I'm a little worried, 16 Ice might be too few.