
CodeMarvelous 20021

An updated version of my remoteless deck. Double biotic the efficiency committee and then san san ship the rest. biotic profiteering for emergency credit gap

12 Mar 2014 Brad_Defacto

I don't like fenris in there. brain damage doesn't hurt them and the bad pub will hurt you.

I'd also switch to 1 or 2 enigmas, make them get a yog, but don't make it too useful. viktor is great

I'm not sure about your meta but atman is still a thing and all 6 of your barriers are str 4. I'd use a couple walls of static just in case.

12 Mar 2014 x3r0h0ur

Name another end the run sentry for hb. When guard comes out I bet its an auto include

13 Mar 2014 PeekaySK

Name another end the run sentry for hb

Dude, you're CI. You don't need ETR, what you need is to make runs on your centrals so expensive and unprofitable they won't stop you in time.

(read: get some goddamn Ichis, man)

13 Mar 2014 Heartthrob

I also like Ichis over Fenris. As a runner I would much much rather see Fenris (give me that BP!) than those Itchies...

13 Mar 2014 Jared Inc.

Am I correct in thinking this is an update? (I found were I got it

I built this very deck when it had pop up windows and a wotan and apparently came to the same conclusion... I lost a lot of games when I didn't get Ice fast enough. I lost 1 game to andromeda when I mulliganed into no ice and she had account siphon and keyhole... ouch.

I added caduceus instead of pop up because it has much the same effect, but with some actual stopping/taxing power. Same conclusion with Victor 2 and Eli. I feel like I would miss archived memories though; it could even save you some influence on that third celebrity gift.

13 Mar 2014 HeirToPendragon

I don't understand how Efficiency and Shipment work together at all... Maybe I'm reading the cards wrong?

14 Mar 2014 Jose-san

Because you're not advancing an agenda with SfSS. You're just placing tokens.

14 Mar 2014 Jergis

-In playing this deck, are you just drawing and getting money as much as possible the first X number of turns until you draw into Efficiency Committee? If so, what has your ideal ICE placement looked like against the various runners?

Haven't seen a video of anyone playing this type of deck, curious how you/others run it.

Have a good one.


14 Mar 2014 Anima

If I may, I've found through experience that unless your bad pub coincides with trashed breakers (grim), it usually hurts CI much more than whatever benefit you get from having the ice rezzed. For the same reason, I have also moved away from profiteering in my remoteless deck. I have found, however that a combination of 2 grim, 2 ichi, and 2 turrets has been very good at allowing me to trash programs in the manner most beneficial to me against any given runner, and that they make an excellent adjunct to Elis, Enigmas, and Walls of static.

How has Blue level been working for you? My own experience with it has left me very disappointed, and I have begun using 3 hedge, 3 restructure, 3 sub messaging, probably a couple GLC (I forget the number), and 3 Celeb gifts instead. The adaptable program trashing suite I run has insured that sub messaging more than pulls their combined weight in the vast majority of cases, and I haven't had trouble using restructure after the first couple turns in all but the worst of openings. Still, if Blue level could replace the Celebrity Gifts, the freed influence could grant me much more adaptability in building, so I'm eager to hear what you think if it.