Enbys Against Dudes - Knife the Servermaker

ChrissyGibssy 96

"This match is so hip right now I'm going broke, I wanna kill that server."
Band: Quetzal, Sable, Bankhar, DJ Fenris

Game Plan
Swing your knife early to scare them, then focus on rigging up and killing servers while threatening knife.

* Knife for the mix-up
* DJ to fill the band with either Sable for pressure (and cause cool) or Steve (not as cool)
* Femme for the pass (and cause cool)
* Career Fair to busk for stuff

Try to start with Wizard Knife, the rest is as straight forward as it gets. I tried to just focused on cramming in as much econ as I could (and still...), so you should be able to keep up with the corp economically. 3x Buzzsaw + Quetzal means you should be a decent threat early to kill those End the Run. 2x Fracter and Killer for consistency, and 1x Leech to make room for more econ. DJ, Sable, Bankhar, Quetzal is a fun band to have jamming on the table.

* This is definitely still in beta, but it's been fun to run.
* I want to add Crew, Scrubber, En Pasant, and generally more destruction, but even with trying to focus on econ econ econ, I still feel like I'm just keeping pace with the corp the whole time, which makes me aprehensive to take any out.
* Draw is still a problem.
* Leech is awkward with Knife because they generally build up centrals real quick after they get stabbed (weird that), and having only 1x makes that worse.
* There's gotta be something better than Career Fair...

Reference: Girls against Boys - Kill the Sexplayer