Super Mom (Post MWL Sunny)

NetrunningAmok 284

This is the latest version of a Sunny deck that I have been playing around with and tweaking both before and after MWL was released. I have been having pretty good success with it on Octgn and am rahter happy with it's current performance.

This is the fastest Sunny that I have seen so far with 3 of (Modded, Career Fair, Street Peddler, Visage, and Earthrise) with a couple Quality Time for good measure.

Once set up, the deck can reliably put pressure wherever it is needed.

Multithreaders really make Sunny's breakers sing, allowing for cheap access into almost any server.

Globalsec Security Clearance allows you to efficiently soft-lock R&D while HQ Interfaces put the pressure on HQ while you wait for an agenda to surface.

Give it try and let me know how it goes. I am still constantly trying to improve this list. Feedback is always welcome!



19 Jan 2016 NetrunningAmok

I am currently testing a more event driven build with:

-1 Clone Chip, -1 Quality Time, -2 HQ Interface, -1 Symmetrical Visage

+1 Diesel, +2 Legwork, +1 Vamp, +1 Same Old Thing

I'm hoping that these changes could allow the deck to play even faster without sacrificing too much of the end game. However, I haven't done too much testing and wanted to post this list before I go and ruin it with events.

19 Jan 2016 NetrunningAmok

One note is that adding more events inherently takes value away from the Street Peddlers...

20 Jan 2016 Hoywolf

How does this deck fair with Fastro or what do you do against them? My Sunny deck is similar, but I get outrun by NBN.

20 Jan 2016 NetrunningAmok


Good question. That is definitely the hardest matchup. I'd say it's pretty close to 50/50. I haven't quite mastered it, but I can win about 75% of the games against FA. If you can survive the first 5 turns or so you will probably be able to win. I just won a game against an NEH fastro where they got to 6-0 and then I came back and won.

I think the key is to remember that most of your cards are expendable. You can't be a perfectionist. Just dig for the essentials and pitch the rest. If you can get down the breakers you need and either some decent drip or a threader or 2, you will be set. This deck has such a ridiculous end game setup that even if you pitch half of your cards, you will still be sitting pretty in the end game.

When you are all set up, you can check R&D every turn with Globalsec Security Clearance. If they hard draw to get past the soft-lock, the HQ Interfaces and your efficient breaker suite should make it pretty easy to run 1-3 times to find whatever new card they drew.

I think the hardest card for this deck to play against is Biotic Labor. If they can hard draw a card and score it in the same turn, there is nothing this deck can do about it...

20 Jan 2016 Hoywolf

I see, so do you spend the first few turns to just setup? Or do you try to do some runs to get the corp to rez some ICE?

20 Jan 2016 NetrunningAmok

Typically I will just race to setup if I can. If they install adv adv, or if they install something behind ice in a remote, I will usually try to get in if I am partially setup. Most of the time I just let them score the first agenda while I get the ball rolling though.

21 Jan 2016 Simone Suka

really that breaker suite is not that efficient. I know it's all in-faction, but totally it's not that efficient. I'm trying a sunny very similar at yours (but i use no clone chip and only 1 quality time for 1 sneakdoor beta, then i cut data foldings for 2 access to globalsec and 1 katy jones).

A server with enigma, quandary is 6 to break, not that efficient. A server ice wall, wallof static,enigma (a real poor server, too) is 10 to break. We can discount max 6 creds. I really think the better option could be put 1 net ready eye or 2\3 datasucker here.

21 Jan 2016 NetrunningAmok


Personally I never have any issues with money. I'll admit that the breakers are not very efficient against small ice, but between the Multithreader credits and the drip econ, I can easily make 1 or 2 runs per turn into any server and usually have a net credit gain. Don't forget to use Security Nexus on the most expensive ice, usually only requiring you to pay 2 to get through.

The Globalsec Security Clearance also allows you to see if it is worth running R&D before wasting the credits. Once I am set up, I will typically 1 Globalsec Security Clearance and then if there is an agenda on R&D I will run twice to get the agenda and see the next card. Otherwise I will run HQ.