All-Star Breaker Suite - Store Championship - 2nd Place

akonnick 2076

I recently piloted this deck to a 2nd place finish at our first Atlanta store championships. The deck is all about establishing an inevitable R&D lock with R&D Interfaces and The Maker's Eye frequently allowing you to see 4-6 cards on one run. The breaker suite and programs give you maximum flexibility to deal with any Ice suite I've ever come up against. Corroder, Mimic and Gordian Blade handle any ice at 3 strength (sometimes 4 with early Datasucker support) and Atman handles anything above while being backed up by Deus X and Femme Fatale for problem ice like Tollbooth/Data Raven/Advanced Ice/etc. Imp lets you deal with asset spam by NEH, Replicating Perfection, HB Glacier while continuing to build your economy, rig and inevitable lock.

The deck is packed with money, so while the Professional Contacts/Kati Jones engine is the backbone, I have won many games without drawing one of them (in some cases both). While I was concerned about Snatch and Grab, I've still never lost a game where it was used to snipe Pro Co on the 2nd turn as Kati Jones, Daily Casts and Stimhacks can keep you in the game as you reestablish. With Kate's ability, Modded and Stimhack, you rarely have to spend much in the way of credits to set up. Your goal is simply to continue to build your rig to the point where you can't be stopped and smartly apply pressure when it is safe to do so along the way.

Stimhack, Test Run and Scavenge can all give you surprise factor to challenge a remote server the Corp doesn't think you have the money to access. Use this to your advantage and you can get a lot of easy points. HQ Interface can be big as usually the Corp has to invest a lot of time and credits protecting R&D from the inevitable deep dig that HQ is usually left with 1 or no rezzed ice by the time you start running.

This is by far my favorite Runner deck and I highly encourage anyone who loves playing Shaper and playing more controlling games to give it a try.

21 Jan 2015 king_mob

I like this, its simple and to the point and focuses on what a good runner deck is about - strong economy and a full breaker suite. Have you tried this in ppvp kate?

21 Jan 2015 Phoenix

If you had to drop, say, 2 cards to include Plascrete Carapace what do you think you could live without? This is obviously a meta call, but in the last tournament in my area 75% of corp wins were via meat damage flatline and this will only get worse with Order and Chaos.

21 Jan 2015 akonnick

@holdingI have tried a similar idea with Prepaid Voicepad and it also works well. The only challenge is the influence because you have to make room for Lucky Find, in which case I don't think I'd be able to play the Imp. I have an Exile deck I play with Prepaid that I like better since he wants to overdraw and generally cycle through the deck faster, but it could certainly work here too.

21 Jan 2015 akonnick

@PhoenixI did play 2 Plascrete Carapace in a prior version of this list at Regionals. The Test Run and the Scavenge are the "flex slots" in the deck as far as I see it. They both get me more Imps, which is honestly my best Scorch protection outside of just the raw money this deck generates. I personally like being able to have the little extra recursion and the option to move Femme Fatale around, but I've played with other cards in those 2 slots and it works all the same. If you see that much Scorch, making the swap for 2 Plascrete probably makes a lot of sense. I'm seeing a lot more Replicating Perfection, NEH and Personal Evolution (more Deus X recursion helps there too), so that mainly drove the decision.

21 Jan 2015 king_mob

@akonnick post the exile list i've been driven mad trying to make him work without resorting to pawn+deep red cyclic nonsense :)

21 Jan 2015 saltytacopanda

What's your take on Corroder vs Lady? Since you're not playing Plascretes, I'm assuming Curtain Walls aren't a problem for you?

21 Jan 2015 akonnick

@holdingwill post shortly. I share your pain on the Exile list - he was a labor of love, but I've tested this version and it is legit. D4Vid and Lady were the key cards for him looking back to the "before" version of the list. I'll tag you in the post and let me know what you think.

21 Jan 2015 akonnick

@saltytacopandaBlue Sun games are usually short one way or the other, but it is usually a good matchup. You can either Stimhack with Corroder out to blow up an early game Curtain Wall to deny money or Femme it (Scavenge helps here a lot). When they bounce something back to their hand, that opens the door for a huge Maker's eye run, which is how I will a lot of Blue Sun games. If the game goes long, you are digging for HQ Interface and then need to spend a turn running on HQ to try and Imp a Scorch from their hand. My logic is that if Blue Sun has a perfecting sculpted first 10 cards, it is hard to beat them anyway even with Plascrete if you don't see it right away. I'd rather just win the econ war and pick my spots of where to run/Stimhack to pick off agendas in remotes.

21 Jan 2015 akonnick

@saltytacopandato answer your other question, I had a friend talk me out of trying Lady compared to Corroder as it puts strain on recurring Parasite and Imp. I tended to agree with his logic, but am curious to see someone test it and see if they like better. The two influence would be nice for sure for some additional HQ pressure.

21 Jan 2015 akonnick

@holdingI posted the Exile list - "Prepaid Dumpster Diving" on my decklists.

21 Jan 2015 king_mob

@akonnick thanks for that :) Also i liked the points you made about Blue Sun matchups - corroder + stimhack is key for this, and in an anarch deck im running this is exactly what you need to do. The ideal play is corroder + stimhack to bust a curtain wall, followed by account siphon and vamp to finish of the remainder of their economy and ensure they are not able to quickly recover it. If you have been conservative with runs up until that point you now have a lot of unrezzed ice and a window in which to run freely. I expect though you dont aim for econ denial, so it would be enough simply to trash an OAI and a curtain wall.

27 Jan 2015 d1en

I took your decklist and won a Store Champ. Thanks for appealing to my taste and making a good deck!