Little Girls on Drugs

omegalife2002 3040

This is my latest in a LONG line of decks trying to get Chaos Theory to be consistent against AND fast. For a long time I kept trying to make the “Test Run/Scavenge” big rig style work and while it did well against glacier, there were many games where Fast Advance would just win by the time I had anything really going. Recently, I took a break from CT and I messed around with the @travisrchance Dirty Hands 3.0 and that totally opened up my eyes to how I could use some concepts from Exile to make CT better. Now, they are VERY different decks, but a general principle applies: I only need what I need right now. This frees me up to run with what I have, and worry about the rest later. I can apply WAY more early pressure.

Here are my thoughts on card choices:


Diesel – One common thread you will see in this deck is a lot of stuff costs 0 credits. This wasn’t intentional, but it kind of worked out that way and is awesome. I have found I don’t need a ton of card draw with this deck, and Diesel hits the spot.

Legwork – What can I say that hasn’t been said before? I don’t need constant HQ pressure, so popping in and seeing 3 cards when I think HQ is flooded is perfect.

Modded – This card is so awesome. I know it has kind of been out of favor during the last year, but it is such a great economy and click compression card. Not only do you lower the last, you are also getting two cards out of hand with one click. This deck has plenty of targets to warrant running 3 copies (Plascrete, RDI, Atman, Mimic, Magnum).

Stimhack – This card is MVP. I can get into so many servers by putting down SMC and Stimhacking in. I have surprised more than a few corps. But this is old news. Also, even though this cards rocks, you don’t really need more than 2. I often don’t even need 1, but it’s good to keep just in case, plus you can SOT it later if needed.

Tinkering – Another MVP. I had forgotten how good this card is. This IS the Shaper’s Inside Job and it is amazing. Again, you don’t need more than 2 copies. The best play is usually to Tinkering a troublesome ice and then use Faerie or Cyber-Cypher to break it on the cheap.


Astrolabe – The best Shaper console. Now, I love Dino, but the problem is always that he has to come out before your program. Plus, he costs 5. Sigh, alas, theme must give way to better options. Astrolabe gives the plus 1 memory you need to get really tricky (Magnum, 2 breakers, AND an SMC?!), plus it enhances your card draw. I’d like to jump this up to 3 copies, but I haven’t seen that I really need it, so it stays at 2 for now.

Clone Chip – One of the tips I picked up from Dirty Hands. I can throw my Atman into the heap and dig her out on the fly if needed. I also like to do this with a Cyber-Cypher. Plus, additional backup for Faerie, though rarely needed.

Plascrete Carapace - People still play Scorched Earth. In fact, it’s made a big comeback recently, thus the 2 copies instead of my usual 1. Sigh… I really hate this card.

R&D Interface - Yes, 3 copies. I originally had this at 2, but I found that my R&D lock could get setup way faster with 3 copies. Getting the programs out wasn’t an issue, but waiting to draw the 2nd (or even 1st!) RDI was painful. So I cut a SOT and bumped this up to 3 copies. It’s amazing. I usually have 2 out most games, but that is a Makers Eye every run. :)


Sacrificial Construct Haven’t seen this one in a while huh? It’s common place in old “Fae-rush” decks and for good reason. 3 of seems like a lot, but I usually only see 2 most games, and I really like seeing 2. Plus, it’s yet another 0 credit install.

Same Old Thing Like I said, it used to be 2 copies, but I cut one to bump up RDI and I think that is the smart choice. I don’t have a lot of events I need to recur, but being able to hit another Legwork or Stimhack is nice.


Atman - Just an amazing backup breaker. My favorite strength is 4 (there is a disturbing amount of ice at strength 4), but I will set her at whatever I need at the moment. I have used her at 1 against a Grail deck and I have even used her at 3 to deal with Excalibur in an RP deck. Good stuff. I like to dump her in the heap and clone chip her in when needed.

Corroder - So, why still spend influence when I have Lady in-faction? Well, I don’t have any easy way to recur Lady except for Clone Chip and I don’t really like that idea. Also, Corroder is way cheaper to SMC, which I like. Plus, a lot of decks are running low strength barriers, so Corroder is just fine. If Snowball was cheaper, I’d probably run that instead. Inti is an option, but against Weyland, you just cry. :P

Cyber-Cypher - So cheap. So strong. With this deck, the drawback isn’t even really relevant. I love this card. :)

Faerie - Just better than Sharpshooter. Breaking Archer for 4 credits is fantastic. I tend to only use this if I have to, so only for Sentries above strength 3.

Mimic - Some people might argue that Mimic is redundant, but play just one game against Replicating Perfection and you’ll change your mind.

ZU.13 Key Master - I decided to go with ZU.13 over Gordian mainly because of cost. I already have Cyber for the 2 centrals, so I just need him to pressure remotes. Plus, he makes a great SMC target.

Magnum Opus - “Take 6 credits, run R&D” That’s why.

Self-modifying Code - It lets me get my tools. Pairs amazingly with Stimhack. Will get you a Magnum in a pinch.

Cards that didn’t make the cut

Sure Gamble - With Magnum, you just don’t need it. Sure it’s a great card, but I don’t have the deck slots for it.

Levy - I am starting to think this card is a crutch for people. When thinking about how many games I’ve actually used and need this card, it’s not many. No thanks.

Test Run - No great targets and Tinkering kind of fills this role

Scavenge - No need, plus needs other cards to make it shine

Inject - This was originally in the deck (and actually where the name first popped into my head). but ultimately I needed the influence elsewhere and it wasn't really needed.

How to play

Get Magnum Opus out turn 1. Keep any hand that has it, and mulligan if you don’t have it. After that, it kind of depends on what corp you are playing, but generally get Faerie or SMC on the board and start running everything. Make the corp spend money and punish them for not rezzing ice. Hit them hard.

After to need something you can’t get, start getting money and drawing. It’s shouldn’t take long to get whatever pieces you are missing. With Magnum and Stimhack, you should be able to get into any server you need. The ultimate goal is to establish a strong R&D lock with multiple RDI’s and then threaten remotes with Stimhack and SMC.

The rest is easy: Don’t die and get 7 points before they do. :)

25 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

You've discovered Faerush! One of my favorite archetypes, and I find hilariously underrated. I think you have the concept down, but I believe you need to be more explosive, with less tempo hit, vis-a-vie RDI. I think indexing works better, even knowing the temporary nature of faeries.

You might go -1 zu -3 RDI +2 TME +2 indexing.

Also I didn't run opus, but rather PPVP, DL, SG, etc. Opus is probably stronger if you can afford the MU.

Spot on with tinkering though, its super good for pounding centrals early/cheaply, and stuffing a remote. Maybe I'll sleeve this up again....

25 Mar 2015 omegalife2002

I completely agree that this archetype is very underrated!

Regarding your suggestions: I think these can certainly fit, and I agree that the events are more explosive, but I don't like them for a couple reasons:

ZU.13 - I want to threaten remotes. While my main goal is to hammer centrals, I need to get into remotes reliably when the corp thinks I can't. Getting locked out of a remote by Quandary sucks. If I had more Cyber support like Scavenge, then I might agree, but alas. I also will probably run out of Tinkering's too.

RDI vs TME - I love TME, particularly in Prepaid decks like @calimsha's Kate deck. The reason I don't like it in this particular build is that I have to have it in hand in order to punish R&D. And, without as many SOT's, I am reliant on drawing the next one. Being able to hit with 2 RDI's, take a turn to money up, and then hit for potentially 3 new cards, every other turn? It's solid. I do lose a little bit of tempo, but if I drop RDI with Modded, I'm paying 1 credit and running that turn no problem. It happens often enough to be reliable. Plus Magnum supports RDI really well. In prepaid deck, I would DEF sub in TME

Indexing - So, my lacking of using this card might be unfairly personal, but I hate this card. No joke, out of the last 15 or 16 times that I have used Indexing, I have found an agenda(s) 2 times. I have whiffed SO many times with this card it is literally unbelievable. So, I'm sure I'm wrong, but I can't stand how much this card frustrates me. lol

Thanks for taking a look and the suggestions!

26 Mar 2015 Sarmatian

This is a really good write up!

26 Mar 2015 omegalife2002

@Sarmatian Thanks! I like to provide an explanation for why I choose the cards I do, along with some game play advice if people decide to sleeve it up. :)