prof mk2.o8d

Tuko 24

my take on a prof dog deck

6 Jan 2015 Pinkwarrior

It may seem like a mute point but your not using that 1 influence you'd be surprised how often that 1 card can change the game around as a Prof player i would recommend Stimhack/Networking.

Id also recommend looking at your breakers one of each is going to slow you down no end especially if your only running 3 search and having to use cards to get them running again. So id say you either need more breakers probably some more long term one's if your gonna take this route, or alternatively you could go for more search something like Test Run is probably best as you can use it to abuse the counters and get even more use out of the dog's even bringing em from your heap using em and letting them go on you stack so you can play them again with full counters.

Test run would give you other benefits too been able to use it with D4vid or parasite if needed.