Last place at Nothing else Meta’d (Kit)

hemraa 203

Below is the original write up I submitted, on the day the deck went 1 - 3, though it was fun to play.

Core Idea

This deck was originally inspired by lostgeek's Padma Deck but took on a life of its own and a lot of refinement.

The core goal of the deck is to use Spark of Inspiration to quickly and consistently get World Tree installed as quickly and cheaply as possible and then abuse it. This meant a limit on other programs I could include, so I settled on a single copy of Inversificator which, with Kit's ability, can get through any 2 ice remote once per turn, and also usually gets installed quickly.


Originally on Deep Dive I found that Inversificator wants servers it won't run as a place to move troublesome ice to, which doesn't work when you want to run all 3 centrals. I wanted to be able to pressure both HQ and R&D consistently, but with my program suite locked I was low on options for R&D, until I realised that The Twinning fit perfectly. The problem was how to trigger it reliably without adding programs. The solution to that was Net Mercur, which like Twinning could be tutored with the Tree. But I still needed some initial source of stealth credits, though it cost me 2 more precious influence the solution was another resource in Penumbral Toolkit with a big advantage that if I left a credit on it I could feed it to the tree, maybe even getting Twinning if I didn't have it already.

Ice Breaking

To support the Inversificator there are two pieces of hardware; Gebrselassie and Dedicated Processor, that increase the efficiency of the Inversificator and enable you to surf a big piece of ice inwards without it being too expensive.

Supplementing this are the pirate breakers Kongamato and Gbahali supported by Poison Vial. Originally the list had 2 Vial but I found I was often only using 1 in a game so I dropped the 2nd to save influence. Poison Vial also means that picking Quetzal: Free Spirit with DJ Fenris can sometimes be the right choice, particularly against Weyland decks or anyone with Border Control.


Most of the rest of the deck is econ cards, Gamble, Laundry and Creative Commission provide a burst of credits.

Daily Casts and Telework Contract can be fetched and sold by Tree to keep the credits rolling in.

Beth Kilrain-Chang is solid and tutorable by Tree.

Cyberdelia gets you credits for doing what you want to with Inversificator.

DreamNet and Earthrise are usually enough for draw once Tree is out.

Final Mentions

Pantograph - If you sense the corp wants to go fast then getting this with Tree early can give you a boost to help keep up, then feed it Tree for other hardware as needed.

Simulchip - Mostly here for Tree fodder, but it is also insurance against program trashing and can reset Inversifcator for another swap in an emergency.

Citadel Sanctuary - Protects from meat damage, helps clear tags and can be tutored by Tree.

DJ Fenris - Usually gets Quetzal or Steve depending on how prevalent barriers are or how open HQ is. Loup is also an option against asset decks.

Reclaim - can get key cards back if they are trashed, or even just a Miss Bones.

But does it work?

It can be clunky or slow at times and dies to HHN but it can get surprise accesses and has good multiaccess once it gets going. I guess we'll see ;-)