Nasir "Fatale" Meidan

ila 464

The goal of this deck is to make an unstoppable assault on RnD. It requires a bit of set up, but once you are ready to go you will have an amazing RnD dig machine.

To make your runs you need to have London Library in play and Femme Fatale in hand. Getting these two cards early is key. Also, of great importance is your Personal Workshop and Replicator so you can start getting your hardware engine in gear. This is a lot to ask for at the beginning of the game so I would definitely mulligan/draw aggressively to get as many of these pieces as possible.

Once you have your London Library down and Femme Fatale in hand your turn can start looking something like this:

Click 1: Play Femme on London, link with RnD ice.

Click 2: Make a run on RnD. If the corp rezzes, you will get credits to pump into your workshop. If the corp doesn't, you get a free access.

Click 3: Return Femme to your hand

Click 4: Advance your board state by installing on your workshop or putting down SMC.

The Corp will soon start putting more ice on RnD, if they haven't done so already. That is when you start taking Parasites from your workshop, stack (SMC) or heap (Clone Chip). If you have enough Datasucker tokens to blow up that ice in mid run, that is even better. This is a race that few Corps can beat, as you are gaining credits when they rez ice and destroying/bypassing ice faster than they can place it down. One note about this, if you have your LLDS Processor and enough recurring credits from The Toolbox and Cyberfeeder you won't need to destroy sentries, as Femme can do the job as a killer decently enough.

Some card notes and justifications:

Torch is in there to counter Lotus Field, since you want to be installing Femme on any unrezzed ice and your parasite bomb can't kill Lotus Field. You can also just put Torch on your workshop to help keep your parasites at 1 so that you can pull them off when you want to.

Net Shield is there to stop PE from destroying your Femmes in hand. It also takes some of the bite off of snare, which can ruin your day.

Thoughts so far:

I'm a little worried about RP with this deck. Snares are a big problem with multiple access. London/Femme is click intensive in a game where you have few clicks to spare. Credits will be sparse to pay for NAPD and Psi games. Nisei will destroy a whole turn of set up for a run. This could be this decks worst match up. On the other hand, RP can be slow to set up, and if you can get your RnD lock going quickly, you might be able to pull it off.

Tag decks are problematic since two of your major pieces are resources and vulnerable to trashing. In addition, you are never floating a lot of credits to beat the traces. On the other hand, you have two Plascretes and Replicator works well for Scorched protection (thank you, @Contrast for your seminal work on Nasir that helped me understand this). If you are playing a tag deck, I'd highly recommend keeping an extra London Library in hand in case you get one blown up. Without London this deck falls apart.

So far this deck has performed decently against HB Glacier. You can keep the Corp poor by forcing them into rezzing a lot of ice. That will stop them from any Biotic/SanSan fast advancing. The RnD lock this deck can make is pretty incredible.


I have tried this with Overmind and some more memory with decent results. The advantage to Overmind is that you can blast through a bigger server with security than you can with Femme. The disadvantage is that it seems to take even more set up than Femme.

I think John Masanori could be an interesting choice, since once you are set up to run you will only have 1 free click a turn, but should be making guaranteed successful run. The downside is that if you somehow fail a run (Caprice, Ash, etc.) you will end up with a tag which could destroy you.

I would love to be able to fit in 3 Earthrise Hotels in there, but I can't figure out what to take out. Maybe I don't really need 2 Mem Chips? I'm thinking of cutting both out and adding in another Toolbox. That would at least give me one card slot to work with.

Thoughts? Comments?