Janus Sun 1.0

CHTenshi 7

Introducing Janus Sun 1.0.

It's yet another Blue Sun deck, but this time with a twist to it. There's the scoring way of winning, and there's the usual scorched way. Playing the typical weyland way was too boring, so I figured I should make it more interesting by adding different ways to flatline my opponent. And that's where Janus 1.0 is imported in. Not only are people not expecting it, it's 15 cost for a protected Oversighted AI Janus! (+1 cred over Curtain Wall :p)

Either way, all jokes aside, Janus creates a server of death with an overscored Project Atlas, when coupled with the Twins. Janus Archer and Twins make an almost impossible to break remote against many decks.

Things that might change are Orion and possibly Builder. Compared to the other ice, these were underwhelming during my games.

Feel free to ask more questions!

3 Feb 2015 xpointsh

I just put a Janus in my Blue Sun. Why not go all the way and ditch the Snare, SEA and Scorched?

3 Feb 2015 CHTenshi

Having multiple avenues of punishing the runner for playing too aggressively helps win games even though you are on the backfoot. Examples such as any runner with a full rig, or not drawing enough ice. I managed to get 2 runners during my store champs, where one ran too aggressively and hit a Snare! (MaxX with no deck and now no recurrsion left), another paid through Twins and got SEA Scorched.