WasteShop™ 0.1

Grimwalker 639

I haven't playtested this at all, but I ran into another player on OCTGN playing Wasteland, Harbinger, and Gingerbread out of Shaper, which got me to thinking.

Wasteland represents a huge boost in efficiency for Aesop's Pawnshop, Clone Chip, and no few programs with a Trash effect. Harbinger is an easy Hayley drop, and lets you double-dip for WasteShop money.

In addition to some standard breakers, the deck runs several silver bullets that normally are left in the box because of marginal utility outside of specific matchups, but with WasteShop they're at least worth more money.

Film Critic/NACH is the scorch protection package, and I included some draw because Hayley chews through cards fast. I may try and rebalance the resources to make Career Fair a viable include--Aesop has been buying up spent Daily Casts for years, so he might as well pay more money for them.

Future considerations would be whether this would be better played out of Kate, to increase the efficiency of installs, or Chaos Theory, to better handle the toolbox of programs. Also whether having both Corroder and Lady in the same deck is too much belt-and-suspenders, but I don't want to overtax my recursion for Fracting, when the idea is that it's better to use it for Harbinging. Corroder came in when I dropped 3 Career Fair from the first cut, along with a 2nd Employee Strike.

23 Sep 2015 PaxCecilia

A local player has the Aesop's Pawnshop engine down to a science and plays it amazingly. His primary means of making it work is Sahasrara, turning 1 or 2 cost programs into free programs, and then selling them to Aesop for pure, unadulterated space bucks. I think that could work here, espeically since you're turning some silver bullets into just potential economy. Sahasrara turns them into a click for like 6 credits! Plus Hayley get's the double installs... sometimes a click for a payout of 12 credits over 2 turns. Absolutely mental.

Any room for a single Scheherazade to SMC into play early on? Works well with Harbinger since they both don't require memory, squeezing a little more money out of them.

23 Sep 2015 daytodave

That was me! Here's the deck you played against.

Oh how I waffled between Hayley and Kate for this. I'm glad you're trying it the other way.

23 Sep 2015 Grimwalker

Yes! That was you, I didn't have my .txt file with me this morning in which I note down my opponents and results.

23 Sep 2015 Grimwalker

Oh yeah, one other thing I need, looking at the other deck: I kind of need an actual Killer. Probably will make do with Sharpshooter, since so many other silver bullets will cover various Sentries.

23 Sep 2015 daytodave

Looking at your deck closer, what your plan for Architect? It seems like your Atman would get stuck at 3 a lot.

23 Sep 2015 Grimwalker

Blerg, I said Sharpshooter and meant to say Pipeline. But Pipeline breaks Architect for 6, which sucks. Will need to come up with something for the next iteration.

Not that an Atman at 3 is too much of a bad thing.

23 Sep 2015 PaxCecilia

Why not Chameleon? No influence Mimic, sure it sucks to install over and over but by the looks of things you're supposed to be stinking rich anyways :P

Plus, installing Chameleon will trigger Hayley to put another program into play to sell later.

23 Sep 2015 Grimwalker

I'll add it to the list of variations to test =)

I have generally eschewed Chameleon as a combo-wombo trap card, but maybe it can get some work done.

23 Sep 2015 Abstract

@Grimwalker Looks fun! Scheherazade and Sahasrara seem like they'd fit in well, as has been pointed out. Technical Writer might also do work for you, since you're going to be double-installing a lot, and get the extra use out of Harbinger.

24 Sep 2015 ItJustGotRielle

I'm slow to catch on to this, can you explain the significance of the interactions using Harbinger? I don't get what you do once the card is turned face-down. Thanks!

24 Sep 2015 daytodave

There's no complicated interaction once the card is face down, you just sell it to Aesop's for $3 + $1 for each Wasteland you have.