[Startup] How to Improve a Deck (Improved)

Space Cowboy 322

Update: here is my updated stealth with no stealth breaker deck. The crux is Mu Safecracker, the bad card, that can hopefully turn a few fake stealth credits into real credits with Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler. Here are some further discussion points:

I kept Carpe Diem for some burst econ, because 3x gamble probably isn't enough.

I included The Class Act and no Earthrise Hotel, though wile draw is great, at least tutoring is nice.

I added Boomerang to help get those sweet Bravado bucks.

Further thoughts? This is still far from a good deck, but it is interesting.

I made a deck with the new cards, but it didn't turn out so well. So lets learn from it, shall we?

First, learn the rules of the mechanics you are aiming for. I was hoping for big, fun, stupid, janky combos, but NISEI put a kibosh on it. I was hoping to spam multiple effects on Virtuoso triggers. A The Maker's Eye run plus The Twinning accesses into HQ and Docklands Pass accesses topped by Mu Safecracker bonus accesses, then paid back with Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler bucks. While you still can put together fun stuff with Zahya, it doesn't work with Virtuoso as it ends the run before your bonus HQ breach. Bummer.

Second, stealth is awesome, but tough to get out. I figured it would be pretty easy to get The Twinning counters from all of the stealth credit sources I could think of, Mantle, Penumbral Toolkit, Trickster Taka. And Afterimage is a super strong breaker. But its a tough pull to get all the right cards in the right order.

Third, I kept Mayfly and Overclock to threaten any remote, and pressure centrals for the win. But a two card combo is again, tough to pull to effectively threaten. I was figuring The Maker's Eye and The Twinning would be my win condition. But now I'm thinking that investing 4 influence on essentially duplicates of The Twinning is investing too heavily, and can easily be swapped for something different.

In conclusion, I'm sure you can do better than me. So how might you improve this list? I know there are ways to make this great, though I'm heavily leaning away from stealth altogether. What would you do?