Criminals like to run for economy engine. A lot of problematic ice throws a wrench in those plans, stuff like Tollbooth, Archangel, Data Raven, Gutenberg.
Paying 9c for a Femme on any of the above ice always just feels bad.
A lot of other good tracer ice are also annoying to deal with, e.g. Caduceus and Assassin.
Face-checking ice in Criminal can be very dangerous. In addition to solving the above problems, a Security Nexus can be a great safety net for slamming into that Archer unprepared. Rig wipe becomes ETR and take a tag in the worst case.
New criminal econ can help get the Nexus rig setup quickly.
Trying out Fan Site as a good way to punish the corp for trying to rush out before the Nexus rig is set up. Plus, this is a great card to play out for cheap in Andy's opening hand.
Been debating whether the Supplier or Kati Jones is a better connection in this deck. Supplier could give you a lot of savings on install costs and more savings on clicks over Kati, but he also telegraphs a lot of the stuff that you'd rather not telegraph (bank jobs, Temujin, etc)
Lovegood and Drug dealer as a "4th" Earthrise hotel that doesn't go away, keeping the draw and the money flow coming. I really wanted to put Rebirth into Iain in this deck, but the draw might be more important here.