Reina is hungry

SlayerCNV 250

As we now, Eater has a lot of sinergies.

-The 3 new sabotage(A BIT STRONG EH!) and Wanton Destruction are simply good ice destroyers.

-Then we have siphoons and Rook for and 1x Vamp for score that agenda in that damn remote.

-2 Plascrete Carapace because after o&c we will see tons of SE and DRT

  • Hades Shard is there just because could be "so close" can't access archives after keyhole's runs.

Now the big question. Why Reina? Reina permits me to make the corp pays 1 more for an ice that will be killed easily. I can, totally, destroy the FA and the tag'n' bang. Then i make econ denial with siphons and i draw a lot. The main strategy is siphon + keyhole for gain the creds for the keyhole run(and make the corp flyes down).