Quetzal's Mind (OverEko)

DustyDuke_II 7

Sorry if this is not original. I'm really new to this game, and I don't have much practice playing, but I've been obsessing over it for a while now, and I feel like I've picked up on a few things. I looked up many decklists (and laughed out loud when I saw Street Chess), but I haven't checked in on Quetzal (except for the e3 Feedback Implants synergy), so while this might not be new to the site, I've come up with it myself.

I love the runners from the Lunar cycle, and Quetzal looks especially cool--and I pick my characters in any game because they look cool, and I try to work with their abilities from there (as in, I would only play Noise if I had his alternate art card).

So the feedback implants synergize well with her ability, what else? D4v1d, and Overmind! From there I got to Ekomind and Origami. Now we have to get these cards in our hand, hence Duggar's and Inject. Since MU won't be an issue, Magnum Opus can be our economy engine. (The overmind doesn't even need that many counters because it's only using one and then money from the feedback implants).

I guess I got scared that certain important cards would end up in the heap with early overdrawing, so I put in Retrieval Run and Déjà Vu, maybe Same Old Thing is too much. The rest I basically tried to fill up with economy cards (and the usual necessities: plascrete, fracter). Now I'm not sure if I made the right choices here, or if I should scrap my resources for Joshua B. without the drawback of losing them to tagging (There are enough Duggar's in the deck to replace ones lost to tags, and maybe it would be cool to be able to do one other thing besides drawing 10). Actually writing this out makes me almost convinced that's what I should do. But what will I do with my other card slots? Tag prevention? I don't think I particularly enjoy getting tagged. I guess Order and Chaos is going to throw this list for a loop anyway. Maybe I should wait till then. Stim Dealer and Day Job sound like fun additions here.

I would love to hear what you think, or what else I could learn about making cool decks.

31 Dec 2014 esutter479

IMO, most everything looks good. About the only thing I'd change is take out 2 of those Scrubbers and make it 2 more Same Old Things. Also, it probably wouldn't hurt to take out a D4V1d and add in a Mimic. A Swordsman at the wrong time could ruin your day...or at least give you a bit of a headache. :)

31 Dec 2014 esutter479

Hmm...after further thought, ya may only wanna take out 1 Scrubber for 1 more Same Old Thing. Try it both ways though...never know what will fit better. :)

31 Dec 2014 cranked

Levy and Ekomind is a nonbo. Ekomind is constantly checking handsize, so as soon as you Levy, you will have 0 cards in your hand and will be forced to trash your rig.

31 Dec 2014 esutter479

That is a good point, cranked. Consider this, however. The critical pieces of the whole rig happen to be at the bottom. By the time the player has drawn about halfway down the deck and has come up empty with what they need, provided they've drawn the Levy, they can hit that reset button and have another chance at getting that rig out and putting the Corp at risk. Meal ticket at bottom + no Levy = no chance at rig...sad panda.

If anything, though, I might consider an Indexing in place of that Levy...

31 Dec 2014 Kroen

Origami is not enough to support Duggar's. This needs 3xPublic Symphathy.

31 Dec 2014 DustyDuke_II

Thanks for the feedback everyone, I really appreciate it!

I was actually wondering if Levy did that to Ekomind, I was even scared that the five would be too low of a number to keep the rig alive at that point. Not that this would make the inclusion of Levy more desirable, but would the discarded rig get shuffled back into the deck with the rest or would it get discarded after shuffling? In any case, the 3 influence is probably too much to spend on that card. Indexing sounds like a great replacement.

Still not sure if I shouldn't get rid of all the resources for Joshua B., or if I simply shouldn't worry about them getting trashed.

Daily Casts could be replaced with Public Smpathy.

31 Dec 2014 Kroen

Just wanted to add that Stimhack is really good with this build, as brain damage is meaningless for a 10+ sized hand (and Overmind is really expensive to break with). Also, why Plascrete? having an enormous hand is all the damage defense you can hope for and more.