NPED (👑 Swiss, 3rd @ NANPC Philly)

NotAgain 1314

I have not felt good about any corp deck ever since Tree Ari began getting popular. You'd think regass PD would be fine and could rush it out but burners, Kits, Esas everything kicks it into the ground.

Apparently you need to A) go quick. B) protect every server C) have some bullshit up your sleeve. That is a lot to ask in this miserable meta. PD qualifies for A & C but it felt extremely draw dependent as of late with the amount of runner nonsense you need to juggle.

What do I do now? Simply say "no".

Run events are now dead. The only sabotage will come from core damage. I will sit here and clicklessly fire a rashida until I'm bored. You will never get into the remote unless I want you to. Pinhole is a dead card, please pay a million credits to get into any server. Oh, and I'll just score out extremely punishing agendas that will make your game miserable.

I know a lot of you would be confused looking at the influence spread. But as I said, I'm simply playing better PD. Skunkvoid, seamless and bran.

No spin doctors?!?!?! Simply score your agendas instead of waiting for Jackson Howard to come and save you.

I never understood why people keep putting Border Controls in Ag. Why are y'all spending 3 inf (or more) when your ID says "every unrezzed ice is a Border Control"? Just position your ice better smh.


I went 4-1 with 2 non-games.

R2: Against Josh Carey on Engine Ari. The engine never got going and I scored out.

R3: Against Zeebag on wolf kit. A massive 6 damage saisentan caused a huge tempo hit that let me score out despite being extremely flooded.

R5: Against Dan D'Argenio on reg hosh. Just made him faceplant into ice until he was out of tempo and scored out.

Cut R1: Against AnOddRadish on Invers kit: Steals 5 points turn 1 and 3 more turn 3. Nothing I could've done.

Cut R4: Against AnOddRadish again. He forgot that Ag exists and got consumed by a little spider.

Massive shoutouts to Teo for letting me crash at his place and the crew for good times. I'll see y'all soon.

15 Jul 2024 Wenjong

I will sit here and clicklessly fire a rashida until I'm bored.


15 Jul 2024 Council

Love your decklists

This is good stuff

15 Jul 2024 Supernaut

Another solid deck write up, seems a good deck, good job on taking it so far.

15 Jul 2024 revengeanceful

Love this list and writeup. Congrats on another great finish!

20 Jul 2024 AnOddRadish

Next time I promise we'll have a real game where I don't get insanely lucky or stupidly kill myself. I think this is a really good, really scary deck and look forward to seeing more of it in the future!