[Project CROW 4.1 - 1] Must've been something I ate...

lostgeek 3677

Project CROW 4.1

This deck is part of the fourth iteration of the Project CROW mini-campaign for beginners familiar with System Gateway. It consists of three Runner and three Corp decks, that are upgraded up over three steps. They start with only cards from System Gateway, then visit the Startup format to end up with currently competitively viable decks in the Standard format that have placed well in tournaments. (See here for further information on the tournament formats Startup and Standard)

Other matchups will follow as the Standard meta develops and interesting decks appear!


This is the beginning of a very virus-heavy trip. The events, hardware, and resources are mostly just filler to get enough draw and econ as the basis of the list. The real fun starts with the programs. While you have a complete breaker suite of Buzzsaw, Carmen, and Cleaver, supported by Leech, this is not your only way into servers.

Use Botulus as a tool for early game aggression together with your multi-access cards Jailbreak and Docklands Pass. Additionally throw a Fermenter down to either bring them to purge, giving you an entire turn, or to make easy money a few turns later.

Overview lists

These list show you what cards to put in and out for every game transition: Corp overview | Runner overview


Seamless Rush vs Hivemind MaxX

Corp 1 | Runner 1

Corp 2 | Runner 2

Corp 3 | Runner 3

9 Sep 2023 FAC3L355

Absolutely love this! I hope there will be more of this series in the future!

9 Sep 2023 lostgeek

The future is now! Project Crow 5 is live!